November 10, 2020
Glioblastoma nanomedicine eradicates brain cancer in mice
A new synthetic protein nanoparticle capable of slipping past the nearly impermeable blood-brain barrier in mice could deliver cancer-killing drugs directly to malignant brain tumors, new U-M research shows.
February 6, 2020
Researchers find unique neuron that computes like a compass
By recording signals from individual neurons in the mouse brain, U-M researchers have identified a distinct excitatory neuron in the long understudied retrosplenial cortex.
August 2, 2017
$7.75M NSF grant funds project to map circuits in the brain
U-M researchers are leading an effort, funded by a $7.75 million National Science Foundation grant, to demonstrate and share technologies driving rapid advances in our understanding of the brain.
November 1, 2013
How a metamaterial might improve a depression treatment
A brain stimulation technique that’s used to treat tough cases of depression could be considerably improved with a new headpiece designed by University of Michigan engineers.
November 1, 2013
Ultra-focused electric current helps brain curb pain
Imagine significantly reducing a persistent migraine or fibromyalgia by a visit to a doctor who delivers low doses of electricity to the brain. Researchers at the University of Michigan are optimizing the next generation for such a technique, called high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation, or HD-tDCS.