
  1. October 1, 2012

    Old school: U-M in History

    Autumn scene

  2. October 1, 2012

    Art director uses annual festival to bring art to streets

    A large puppet — the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex — hangs from the ceiling of a concrete room, accompanied by similar puppets that annually perform on the streets of Ann Arbor during the carnival-esque event called FestiFools. The puppet holds a carrot in one claw, and a chocolate bar in another, with Mark Tucker,…
  3. October 1, 2012

    Receive up to $5,000 grant to solve ergonomic issues in the workplace

    MHealthy is accepting applications for its annual ergonomics grants program. University departments or units in need of financial help to purchase equipment or redesign work processes to solve ergonomic issues can receive up to $5,000 to implement solutions that make the work environment safer.

  4. October 1, 2012

    Starting to snore during pregnancy could indicate risk for high blood pressure

    Women who begin snoring during pregnancy are at strong risk for high blood pressure and preeclampsia, according to research from U-M. The research, published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, showed pregnancy-onset snoring was strongly linked to gestational hypertension and preeclampsia, says lead author Louise O’Brien, associate professor in U-M’s Sleep Disorders Center.…
  5. October 1, 2012

    State of the Book celebrates the creative economy

    Gloomy though Michigan’s economy may be, the state’s creative economy is thriving. That epiphany came to Jeremiah Chamberlin earlier this year, as he reflected on President Obama’s State of the Union address. It sparked the creation of the like-titled State of the Book symposium. It opens at 10 a.m. Saturday in Rackham Auditorium.

  6. October 1, 2012

    Winning departments announced for MHealthy Ergonomics Awards

    MHealthy Ergonomics Awards were given to six university departments and units for independently implementing ergonomic solutions within their work environment. Winning areas have decreased risk factors and reduced or prevented employee discomfort by adding or modifying equipment or redesigning work processes. Gold Level winners: • U-M Hospitals and Health Centers, Radiology — Conducted departmentwide research…
  7. October 1, 2012

    Symposium honors former information, engineering dean

    When Dan Atkins calls a few of his friends together for a free, public symposium at U-M, it’s not your ordinary guest list. The Oct. 8 Daniel Atkins Symposium, which honors the former dean of both the College of Engineering and the School of Information, is a reflection of his ongoing, 40-year career at U-M.

  8. October 1, 2012

    Road safety: Let the good times roll … or not

    Traffic deaths have fallen dramatically since 2005, but estimates for 2012 suggest that the trend may be ending, a U-M researcher says in a new report. According to Michael Sivak, research professor at the U-M Transportation Research Institute, road fatalities dropped 26 percent from 2005 to 2011, but are up 8 percent over the first…
  9. October 1, 2012

    50 years of caring: ULAM and U-M’s lab animals

    “We love animals, and we love people, and that’s why we do the job we do.” That short and simple sentiment says it all about the men and women responsible for the care of most of U-M’s laboratory animals.

  10. October 1, 2012

    Saturday Morning Physics provides chance to explore science

    Since 1995, the Department of Physics has sought to create a simpler way to explain complex scientific topics. Teaming up with the M. Lois Tiffany Endowment and the Hideko Tomozawa Endowment, the physics department creates a series of seminars to run through the fall and winter terms, which allows the public to learn more about…