
  1. February 18, 2013

    Don't miss: Ford Policy Union features cyber security debate

    A debate on the effectiveness of international agreements on cyber security will be presented from 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, Annenberg Auditorium. Professor John Steinbruner, a noted international security scholar, is scheduled to argue that the U.S. interest in prohibiting destructive attack on critical infrastructure assets is evident…
  2. February 18, 2013

    Environmental scientist Blum honored for mercury research

    Environmental scientist Joel D. Blum has been awarded the 2013 Clair C. Patterson Award from the Geochemical Society for the development and application of innovative techniques that have enhanced the understanding of the behavior of mercury in the environment. The Patterson Award is given annually for a breakthrough of fundamental significance in the field of…
  3. February 18, 2013


    Kellogg scientist wins NIH award Julia E. Richards, the Harold F. Falls Collegiate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the U-M Medical School and professor of epidemiology in the School of Public Health, has won an award for Audacious Goals in Vision Research, sponsored by the National Eye Institute in the National Institutes of…
  4. February 18, 2013

    Old drug may point the way to new treatments for diabetes and obesity

    Researchers at the Life Sciences Institute have found that amlexanox, an off-patent drug currently prescribed for the treatment of asthma and other uses, also reverses obesity, diabetes and fatty liver in mice. The findings from the lab of Alan Saltiel, director of the Life Sciences Institute, were published online Feb. 10 in the journal Nature…
  5. February 18, 2013

    U-M expert to help Gallup review political polling methods

    U-M professor Michael Traugott, a nationally recognized expert in political communication and polls, is assisting the Gallup Organization with reviewing its survey methodology used in political polling. The polling organization tracks attitudes and behaviors worldwide on many topics, including the U.S. presidential elections. Traugott will examine the recent election in which Gallup estimated a stronger…
  6. February 18, 2013

    Secret rendezvous: Geladas conceal monkeying around from leader males

    Humans who cheat on a loved one aren’t the only ones to change their behavior to avoid discovery. New research documents for the first time how wild gelada monkeys tactically conceal their infidelity from dominant leader males. Researchers documented how gelada monkeys conceal infidelity. Photo by Thore Bergman. Researchers from U-M, University of the Free…
  7. February 18, 2013

    Institute for Research on Women and Gender offers collaborative grant

    For more than 18 months, researcher Michelle McClellan collaborated with two U-M colleagues on a project about gender and addictions. It wasn’t until receiving a “vote of confidence” through an Institute for Research on Women and Gender grant that the team was able to move to the next stage of realizing their goals. “This grant…
  8. February 18, 2013

    In memoriam: Dr. Charles Krause, former chair of Otolarynology

    On Feb. 7, the U-M community and the field of otolaryngology lost one of its greatest leaders, Dr. Charles J. Krause. He died in Florida, surrounded by his family. Krause served as chair of the Medical School’s Department of Otolaryngology from 1977, when he was recruited to Michigan, until 1992. He remained active on the…
  9. February 18, 2013

    Early breast cancer diagnosis, survival rates low in rural India

    Women in developed countries survive roughly 10 years longer after a breast cancer diagnosis compared to women in poor-to-middle-income countries, a new U-M study suggests. The report demonstrates the lack of access to good health care faced by women in poor countries, said the study’s principal investigator Rajesh Balkrishnan, an associate professor at the U-M…
  10. February 18, 2013

    Old school: U-M in History

    A Creation of My Own