
  1. April 22, 2013

    President’s Staff Innovation Award winners announced

    A College of Engineering official who launched innovations resulting in a broader, more diverse group of graduate students, and the team that piloted a lower-cost, environmentally friendly cleaner for University Housing have received the first annual President’s Staff Innovation Awards. Other individual finalists • Anya Dale, Office of Campus Sustainablity • Teri Grieb, Michigan Institute…
  2. April 22, 2013

    Teams recognized for outstanding seasons

    The men’s swimming and diving team (above) received a Board of Regents resolution on April 18 recognizing its record-breaking season, culminating with the team’s 12th NCAA championship, the most of any swimming and diving program. Led by Coach Mike Bottom, the team finished the season with an 8-0 dual-meet record. Regents also recognized the men’s…
  3. April 22, 2013

    Nisbet appointed AVP for technology transfer

    Kenneth J. Nisbet has been appointed associate vice president for research – technology transfer in the Office of the Vice President for Research, effective May 1. “The creation of a senior-level leadership position for technology transfer reflects the growing importance to the university of bringing the new ideas and insights that arise from our research…
  4. April 15, 2013

    What remains of Mars’ atmosphere is still dynamic

    Mars has lost much of its original atmosphere, but what’s left remains active, according to recent findings from NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity that involve a U-M researcher. Rover team members reported diverse findings recently at the European Geosciences Union 2013 General Assembly, in Vienna, Austria. Evidence has strengthened this month that Mars lost much of…
  5. April 15, 2013

    Green Pea galaxies could help astronomers understand early universe

    The rare Green Pea galaxies discovered by the general public in 2007 could help confirm astronomers’ understanding of reionization, a pivotal stage in the evolution of the early universe, U-M researchers say. Reionization occurred a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, as the first stars were turning on and forming the first galaxies.…
  6. April 15, 2013

    Old school: U-M in History


  7. April 15, 2013

    Financial assistant combines passion for history, writing

    Karen Simpson has spent the last 35 years working as a student financial assistant in Student Financial Services. And while she has loved her job and the impact it has, she always had another passion that, until recently, she didn’t fulfill: writing. “I have always written. Always,” she says. “But I didn’t have enough confidence…
  8. April 15, 2013

    UROP marks 25 years of exposing undergrads to research

    The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program is celebrating 25 years of helping undergraduates “discover the world of research” by working with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and research scientists.

  9. April 15, 2013

    Geladas’ vocal lip smacks resemble human speech

    More online Watch a video of geladas communicating. > The rhythmic vocal sounds made by lip smacking in wild gelada monkeys have similarities to human speech, a new U-M study shows. Lip smacking, a common primate facial gesture used in friendly interactions, involves rapid opening and closing of mouth parts in a speech-like fashion. However,…
  10. April 15, 2013

    The place where magic happens

    Creativity is the life force behind great art, music and literature, and also guides innovation and advancement across academic fields. In a course titled Creative Process, a team of interdisciplinary faculty help undergraduates from many fields of study tap into their creativity.