
  1. October 26, 2009

    Regents Roundup

    The following items were approved by the Board of Regents at its Oct. 15 meeting. Electrical feed to be updated The Administrative Services Building will have its electrical feed updated with the construction of a small enclosure to house a new 13.2 kilovolt substation. University investment proceeds will fund the $2 million project that is…
  2. October 26, 2009

    DPS unveils text messaging to report a crime on campus

    Faulty, staff and students can send a text message to the Department of Public Safety to report a crime in progress, DPS announced last week. “We’re pleased to be able to utilize newer technology methods that will make reporting crime easier, especially for our students,” says Ken Magee, DPS executive director. “Hopefully we can receive…
  3. October 26, 2009

    Spotlight: Animation draws special appeal for consultant

    Ryan N. Wilcox is a technology guru by day and his wife’s comic book career manager by night. Not unlike the protagonists in many comic books, Wilcox and his wife, illustrator Katie Cook, maintain double lives, each attending their 9-5 jobs and then rendezvousing at home for hours of brainstorming, storyboarding and illustrating. (Photo by…
  4. October 26, 2009

    U-M launches annual United Way campaign

    The 2009 U-M United Way Campaign begins today (Oct. 26) with a goal of raising $1 million to help individuals and families across southeast Michigan who need assistance. The campaign co-chairs — Doug Strong, director and CEO of the U-M Hospitals and Health Centers, and Teresa Sullivan, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs…
  5. October 26, 2009

    Michigan Community Scholars Program celebrates 10 years

    A decade ago students at the university asked then Interim LSA Dean Patricia Gurin to create a living-learning program to merge civic engagement with academics so students could make a difference in their communities. That program, the Michigan Community Scholars Program (MCSP), on Friday celebrated its successes at a 10th anniversary reunion. Organizers expected 100…
  6. October 26, 2009

    Photo: UMeet the Athlete

    Five-year-old Jason Rich gets a lift from U-M hockey player Chris Brown during a recent UMeet the Athlete session at Yost Ice Arena. The series of clinics for kids in grades K-8 allows youngsters to work out with student-athletes. Proceeds from the clinics support scholarships for the KidSport summer program. (Photo by Scott Galvin, U-M…
  7. October 26, 2009

    Color differences within and between species have common genetic origin

    Spend a little time people-watching at the beach and you’re bound to notice differences in the amount, thickness and color of people’s body hair. Then head to the zoo and compare people to chimps, our closest living relatives. The body hair difference is even more pronounced between the two species than within our own species.…
  8. October 26, 2009

    Costs of plug-in cars key to broad consumer acceptance

    A new U-M survey shows widespread consumer interest in buying plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). But the cost of the cars is a much more influential predictor of purchase probabilities than environmental and other non-economic factors. “The data provide strong evidence that a combination of economic and social incentives may be most effective in successfully…
  9. October 26, 2009

    Martin announces plans to retire from athletic director post in 2010

    Director of Athletics Bill Martin has announced that he will retire from his position on Sept. 4, 2010. Martin made the date official Oct. 21, sending a letter to President Mary Sue Coleman, and then informed the athletic department staff at an all-staff meeting at Cliff Keen Arena. Coleman, in a statement, noted Martin’s “outstanding…
  10. October 26, 2009

    New Zealand trip full of real-time geology lessons

    Read a blog from the New Zealand trip > View slide show > First there was the cliff that crumbled and crashed onto the beach just as Ingrid Hendy was explaining to students how the natural terrace on which they were standing had formed. Then, just hours after observing the effects of past earthquakes on…