
  1. April 29, 2013

    Food operators selected for MUG in Michigan Union

    When students return to campus in the fall, they will see a newly renovated MUG space on the ground floor of the Michigan Union with new and updated food vendors. Ahmo's Mediterranean Grill is coming to the Union, and Wendy's and Subway will return with expanded offerings. Panda Express also will remain on the lower-level MUG.

  2. April 29, 2013

    Graduating students ready to make their marks on the world

    Bringing the Internet home to Kenya By Nicole Casal Moore News Service “Dead aid.” That’s how Rama Mwenesi refers to the kind of foreign help that means well but doesn’t last. He saw it first-hand growing up in and around Nairobi, Kenya. “Groups would come in and build water wells in the rural communities without…
  3. April 29, 2013

    U-M collaborates on open access scientific journal

    A new online journal born of a multi-institutional effort, which includes U-M, is set to tackle issues of sustainability on two fronts. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene will publish timely, scientifically sound, peer-reviewed articles, all free and open to the public, that address interactions between human and natural systems.

  4. April 29, 2013

    Officials remind campus about severe weather

    Michigan is hit by an average of 16 tornados each year, usually between May and August, according to the National Weather Service. As the severe-weather season approaches, university officials would like to remind members of the campus community about important information to help plan for and respond to various weather situations.

  5. April 29, 2013

    U-M formalizing ties with affiliated external entities

    U-M is taking steps to formalize its long-standing relationships with university-affiliated external entities that use U-M for services ranging from financial operations to staffing.

  6. April 29, 2013

    Angell Hall computing center to close for renovations

    The Angell Hall computing site will be closed May 1-Sept. 3 for its first significant upgrade since opening in 1988. The $4.4 million renovation project will expand the computing site, provide new furniture, improve accessibility, refurbish computer classrooms and install a new raised flooring system.

  7. April 29, 2013

    Enriching Scholarship to promote effective use of technology

    More online • Session registration continues throughout the conference. More information and registration. • Download one of the free TTC mobile apps for iOS or Android. • Follow Enriching Scholarship on Twitter @UMTTC. Registration has begun for Enriching Scholarship 2013, a week of free workshops, discussions and seminars for instructors, faculty and staff. Sessions are…
  8. April 29, 2013

    2013 OVPR staff recognition award recipients announced

    The Office of the Vice President for Research will honor three U-M staff members for outstanding research service. Donna Mulkey will receive the OVPR Exceptional Service Award, and Linda Chadwick and Catherine Seay-Ostrowski will each receive a Distinguished Research Administrator Award. “With a budget of $1.27 billion, U-M’s research operation is one of the largest…
  9. April 29, 2013

    Political scientist Robert Axelrod wins prestigious Johan Skytte Prize

    Robert Axelrod, professor of political science and public policy, is the winner of the prestigious 2013 Johan Skytte Prize in political science, awarded for “profoundly having changed our presumptions about the preconditions for human cooperation.” Axelrod, who also is the Mary Ann and Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Professor for the Study of Human Understanding, is…
  10. April 29, 2013

    Implementation phase underway for Shared Services

    More online • Get the latest news about Shared Services. • Email questions to [email protected]. The first calendar quarter of the implementation phase of the universitywide Shared Services initiative concluded at the end of March. Shared Services will shift select Finance and Human Resources transaction-processing activities from different units across the university into one operation…