
  1. February 15, 2010

    Scholarship & Creative Work

    Parent concerns hinder national H1N1 immunization efforts In the last four months of 2009, nearly 240 children died in the United States from H1N1 flu — more than three times as many child deaths as in a typical non-H1N1 flu season. Meanwhile, the H1N1 vaccine given to more than 60 million individuals since October has…
  2. February 15, 2010

    Don’t Miss: Greatest James Brown concert celebrated

    In the wake of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination in 1968, R&B artist James Brown was credited with helping to prevent disillusioned black Boston residents from rioting when Brown agreed to have his concert at Boston Garden aired on TV. “April 5, 1968: On James Brown, Martin Luther King and the Manly Dimensions of Nonviolent…
  3. February 15, 2010

    President Obama to deliver U-M spring 2010 commencement address

    President Barack Obama will deliver the spring 2010 commencement address at U-M, President Mary Sue Coleman announced. Obama will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

  4. February 15, 2010


    Awards Alan Saltiel, director of the Life Sciences Institute and John Jacob Abel Professor of Internal Medicine and Molecular and Integrative Physiology, has received the 2010 Goodman and Gilman Award from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. The biennial award was established to recognize and stimulate outstanding research in pharmacology of biological receptors.…
  5. February 15, 2010

    GreenRide ride-sharing program gains participants

    U-M employees Rebecca Sitz and Dawn Russell say GreenRide carpooling is convenient and saves money. They are among 3,314 staff and faculty at U-M who have signed up for the ride-sharing program. GreenRide is part of an overall strategy to promote alternatives to bringing autos to campus.

  6. February 15, 2010

    Constant transitions for IT specialist

    In a city full of progressive organizations, Jeanne Mackey believes there’s always room for one more. Mackey is a founding member of Transition Ann Arbor (TAA). This grassroots organization seeks to catalyze creative local responses to climate change and peak oil. Activities include film screenings, café conversations and “reskilling” sessions where participants share low-energy skills…
  7. February 15, 2010

    Distinguished University Professor: Frier to speak of Greek poet during lecture

    The Greek poet Constantine Cavafy is the inspiration for a talk by Bruce Frier, the 2008 John and Teresa D'Arms Distinguished University Professor of Classics and Roman Law. Frier, also a professor of classical studies and of law, will present his Distinguished University Professor lecture at 4 p.m. Feb. 25 in Rackham Amphitheatre.

  8. February 15, 2010

    U-M earns place on Peace Corps’ annual top colleges rankings

    For the 10th year in a row, U-M has placed on the Peace Corps’ top 25 list of large universities nationwide producing Peace Corps volunteers. With 73 alumni currently serving as Peace Corps volunteers, U-M is at No. 8 in this year’s rankings. Since Peace Corps was founded in 1961, 2,331 U-M alumni have served in Peace Corps, making it the No. 4 all-time producer of volunteers. The university has made the Peace Corps’ Top Schools list since the ranking system began in 2001.

  9. February 15, 2010

    Granholm’s budget maintains support for U-M, higher ed

    Gov. Jennifer Granholm last week proposed a 2011 budget that attempts to restore some cuts made to U-M and higher education including a revamped, more targeted Michigan Promise Scholarship proposal.

  10. February 15, 2010

    New residential learning community a creative venture

    A new living-learning community coming to North Campus this fall is unique among collegiate residential communities in this country. Living Arts, to be housed in Bursley Hall, unites students in the arts, engineering and other fields with programming focused on the development of students’ creative capacity.