
  1. March 8, 2010


    Awards Lynn Conway, professor emerita of electrical engineering and computer science, has been selected as the 2009 Computer Pioneer Award Recipient by the IEEE Computer Society. Conway was honored for contributions to superscalar architecture, including multiple-issue dynamic instruction scheduling, and for the innovation and widespread teaching of simplified VLSI design methods. William Fulton, Oscar Zariski…
  2. March 8, 2010

    U-M, Korean partnership to push solar technology to market

    A new international partnership positions two universities and a leading company to put low-cost solar cell technology on a fast track to market. U-M is joining with Dankook University in South Korea and the Korean government Ministry of Knowledge and Economy in a four-year research project to ramp up efficiency for organic photovoltaic technology (OPV)…
  3. March 8, 2010

    2010 reaccreditation report excerpts

    Related story:U-N prepares for reaccreditation team visit > The following are excerpts from the 2010 reaccreditation report: “The University of Michigan: An Institution of Global Learning, Knowledge and Engagement,” as prepared by Ben van der Pluijm, senior counselor to the provost for university accreditation and professor of geology. To read the full report, go to…
  4. March 8, 2010

    Ann Arbor, U-M issue community ‘A2Fiber’ call to action

    Leaders of the effort to convince Google to pick Ann Arbor for one of its ultrahigh-speed broadband networks have issued a “call to action” to get the community involved in the project. The city of Ann Arbor and U-M are teaming up to meet Google’s March 26 deadline to complete a Request for Information as…
  5. March 8, 2010

    Reducing carbon emissions: High gas taxes equal low impact

    Increasing the federal gasoline tax would have minimal effects in reducing vehicle carbon dioxide emissions, a U-M economist says. For example, a 10-cent increase in gas taxes would lower U.S. carbon emissions from the transportation sector by about 1.5 percent and decrease total U.S. carbon emissions (from all sectors) by about 0.5 percent, says Lutz…
  6. February 22, 2010

    UM-Flint names new provost

    Gerard Voland has accepted the position of provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at UM-Flint, pending approval by the Board of Regents. He also will hold the title of professor of engineering within the College of Arts and Sciences.

  7. February 22, 2010

    Photo: Nowak exhibit at Taubman

    “Joy and Peace” by Margaret Nowak is presented in her exhibit “Silent Representations: Clay, Beads & Wood” in the Gifts of Art Gallery in the Taubman Health Center South Lobby, Floor 1. Courtesy Gifts of Art.
  8. February 22, 2010

    Faculty elections announced for DPS Oversight Committee

    Elections to fill the two faculty representative positions on the university’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) Oversight Committee elections will take place in the next few weeks. One position will be filled by a member of the Senate faculty in an election conducted by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA). The second position,…
  9. February 22, 2010

    Photo: Beat the Donkey March 13 at the Power Center

    Cyro Baptista and his group Beat the Donkey create fun as the musicians combine untamed percussion, tap dance, martial arts, samba, jazz, rock and funk in a family-oriented performance. The musicians wear wild costumes and often break into spontaneous dance. Performances are at 1 and 4 p.m. March 13 in the Power Center for the…
  10. February 22, 2010

    School of Dentistry to begin oral pathology residency program

    The School of Dentistry has been granted “initial accreditation” status by the Commission on Dental Accreditation to start an oral pathology residency program this summer. CODA is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Department of Education with responsibility for establishing, maintaining and applying standards that ensure the quality and continuous improvement of dental, advanced…