
  1. March 8, 2010

    U-M working with Royal Shakespeare Company to develop new plays

    The Royal Shakespeare Company and U-M will work together to develop three new plays, including a reconstruction of a "lost" play credited to William Shakespeare and his contemporary, John Fletcher. The world-acclaimed, England-based theatre company will be in Ann Arbor from March 20-31.

  2. March 8, 2010

    Love your car? Getting too attached could be costly

    Although Americans parted with nearly 700,000 old vehicles in last year’s Cash for Clunkers program, many of them probably had a hard time letting go, U-M researchers say. Blame it on anthropomorphism — the tendency to ascribe human attributes to an inanimate object. “Everyone knows someone with a beat-up old car that they just can’t…
  3. March 8, 2010

    U-M prepares for reaccreditation team visit

    More than 300 people from within U-M and outside will be involved in about 60 meetings on campus next week as part of the university’s reaccreditation process.

  4. March 8, 2010

    Small family farms in tropics can feed the hungry, preserve biodiversity

    Conventional wisdom among many ecologists is that industrial-scale agriculture is the best way to produce lots of food while preserving biodiversity in the world’s remaining tropical forests. But two U-M researchers reject that idea and argue that small, family-owned farms may provide a better way to meet both goals. In many tropical zones around the…
  5. March 8, 2010

    U-M doctor finds Haitian volunteer experience uplifting

    Dr. Hari Conjeevaram volunteered in Sri Lanka after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina because he finds it necessary and spiritually uplifting to help in the wake of tragedies. But the associate professor of internal medicine in the Medical School found his Jan. 29-Feb. 10 volunteer experience particularly moving.

  6. March 8, 2010

    Michigan Radio named Public Radio Station of the Year

    The university’s public radio service, Michigan Radio, has been named Public Radio Station of the Year for 2009 by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB). This is the eighth time in nine years that Michigan Radio has been named Public Radio Station of the Year. The award was announced last week at the MAB annual…
  7. March 8, 2010

    U-M students in Chile safe, president urges support of earthquake victims

    U-M has confirmed 12 students studying in Chile were unharmed by the 8.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the coastal nation Feb. 27. President Mary Sue Coleman expressed gratitude at learning of their safety, and encouraged the campus community to support the South American nation’s rebuilding process.

  8. March 8, 2010

    Scholarship & Creative Work

    Fossil snake from India fed on hatchling dinosaurs The remains of an extraordinary fossil unearthed in 67-million-year-old sediments from Gujarat, India provide a rare glimpse at an unusual feeding behavior in ancient snakes. An international paleontological team led by U-M’s Jeff Wilson and the Geological Survey of India’s Dhananjay Mohabey published their discovery online March…
  9. March 8, 2010

    Public health hero Sommer to receive Francis medal

    The university will award the Thomas Francis Jr. Medal in Global Public Health to Alfred Sommer, whose research into vitamin A deficiency has saved millions of children from blindness and death.

  10. March 8, 2010

    Weakness found in common digital security system

    The most common digital security technique used to protect both media copyright and Internet communications has a major weakness, U-M computer scientists have discovered. RSA authentication is a popular encryption method used in media players, laptop computers, smartphones, servers and other devices. Retailers and banks also depend on it to ensure the safety of their…