
  1. October 11, 2010

    Robot team, designers head to Australia for international competition

    A smart swarm of unmanned, four-wheeled robots that operate with a “hive mind” will participate in an international urban reconnaissance contest in Australia on Nov. 10.

  2. October 11, 2010

    U-M clinical trial for breast cancer promising

    Related story:Researcher: ALS stem cell trial shows potential > Initial results from the first clinical trial targeting breast cancer stem cells show that the number of cancer-causing stem cells dropped significantly after the treatment, a U-M oncologist told a World Stem Cell Summit audience Oct. 6 in Detroit. Dr. Max Wicha, director of the Comprehensive…
  3. October 11, 2010

    New training has U-M facility managers back in school

    U-M has 22 new alumni courtesy of a new training program — the U-M Facilities Professional Certificate Program — designed to advance the professional knowledge and skill sets of campus facility managers. The FPCP was launched last year and is available to any U-M facility manager. With three levels of curriculum geared to the varying…
  4. October 11, 2010

    Computer science and engineering chair accepts national appointment

    A computer science professor whose research transformed how Internet service providers respond to cyber threats has been chosen to head the National Science Foundation’s directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE). Farnam Jahanian, professor and chair for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, will assume the new post on Feb. 1. He…
  5. October 11, 2010

    Medical School creates joint institute with Peking University

    The Medical School will establish a joint institute with the Peking University Health Science Center in a unique effort to promote research that can lead to breakthroughs in pulmonary, cardiovascular and liver diseases. The joint institute will feature collaborative research efforts, exchanges of faculty, medical residents, fellows and other researchers, and completion of large-scale clinical…
  6. October 11, 2010

    Fragility of ice inspires champion carver

    During his career Lawyers Club chef Ted Wakar has drawn compliments for his cooking from the Ford Motor Co. president, and won awards for individual and team ice carving creations at international competitions. “I really started out doing ice to have a skill to help my culinary employment and from there I found it was…
  7. October 4, 2010

    MHealthy Ergonomics Awards recognize 12 university areas

    MHealthy Ergonomics Awards were given to 12 university departments and units for independently implementing ergonomic solutions within their work environments. Winning areas have decreased risk factors and reduced or prevented employee discomfort by adding or modifying equipment or redesigning work processes. “Ergonomics fits the work­place to the worker making it safer and healthier,” says Suzanne…
  8. October 4, 2010

    Don’t miss: Taboos: Contemplating the Arab woman of today

    CORRECTION: The Penny Stamps Lecture Series event that was included as a Don’t miss in the Oct. 4 edition of the Record Update — Joumana Haddad at the Michigan Theater — contained an incorrect date. The event already has taken place. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.
  9. October 4, 2010

    Candace Johnson award to honor exemplary staffer

    The Office of the Provost seeks to recognize exemplary staff at the Ann Arbor and U-M Health System campuses with the Candace J. Johnson Staff Award for Excellence. Established in 2004, the award is a memorial to a dedicated staff member, Candy Johnson. Johnson’s special blend of professionalism and personality was a positive influence in…
  10. October 4, 2010

    Recent grads blog about volunteer experience

    Recent U-M graduates Nate Gire and Kelsey Kennedy, who last month started their Peace Corps assignment in Lima, Peru, are blogging about their experience. “Nate and Kelsey’s Adventures” — at — will chronicle the married couple’s work as they serve as health promoters in the 16th group of Peru Peace Corps volunteers. Gire and…