
  1. November 15, 2010

    School of Social Work to celebrate 90th anniversary

    The School of Social Work will kick off a yearlong celebration of its 90th anniversary on Friday with a full-day event that will include a keynote address by social activist Michael Sherraden.

  2. November 15, 2010

    Law School establishes joint center with India’s Jindal Global Law School

    A recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Law School and Jindal Global Law School of O.P. Jindal Global University near Delhi, India, establishes a Joint Centre for Global Corporate and Financial Law & Policy, and opens the door for future cooperative efforts between the two schools.

  3. November 15, 2010

    Lehker is named ombuds within Student Affairs

    Tom Lehker has been named ombuds for the Division of Student Affairs. His appointment was effective Sept. 1. Lehker, who served as the interim ombuds since January of this year, has been working closely with the division for many years. “We are grateful and excited to officially welcome Tom to his new position as he…
  4. November 15, 2010

    New indicator found for rapidly progressing form of deadly lung disease

    A diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is not much better than a death sentence, given a survival rate averaging four to six years as the disease robs its victim of the ability to breathe. But researchers at U-M have discovered a receptor in the immune system that may serve as a marker for a rapidly…
  5. November 15, 2010

    Tuition support payments for graduate-level courses will become taxable Jan. 1

    The university’s SPG 201.69 (Tuition Support Program) provides tuition support for staff members who are taking undergraduate and graduate courses. Currently, tuition support for undergraduate courses is tax-exempt. Tuition support for graduate-level courses is tax exempt for amounts up to $5,250 (annually) and taxable for support that exceeds $5,250. Effective Jan. 1, all tuition support…
  6. November 15, 2010


    Shirley Verrett Shirley Verrett, the James Earl Jones Distinguished University Professor of Voice at the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, died Nov. 5 in Ann Arbor at the age of 79. “She was one of America’s greatest opera singers,” George Shirley, professor emeritus of voice and longtime friend and colleague, told the Detroit Free…
  7. November 15, 2010

    State-local development could be improved through ‘economic gardening’

    More online Read the report > State policymakers could better coordinate with local economic developers to improve the economy by cultivating existing businesses in their communities, a new report says. The report from the Center for Local, State and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) at U-M indicates more local jurisdictions are using “economic gardening,” a new strategy…
  8. November 15, 2010

    Cancer experience worse for young adults despite better survival odds

    Younger adult cancer patients have the most difficulty coping with the pain and emotional issues of cancer, in spite of their potentially better survival odds, according to a U-M Health System study. The study, which included mostly breast and lung cancer patients, appears in the November issue of Pain Medicine. Adult cancer patients age 40…
  9. November 15, 2010

    Graduate student coordinator shares love of horses

    The old saying that you have to get back on the horse after a fall is something that Jane Sullivan knows firsthand. Eight years ago Sullivan was thrown from her horse and hospitalized for six days. She took a few years off and slowly worked her way back to riding indoors, but refrained from leaving…
  10. November 15, 2010

    Sick at work and surfing the net? You’re not alone — or are you?

    Some scholars estimate that presenteeism, a relatively recent buzzword that applies to people who are less productive at work because of health issues, costs employers as much as three times the dollar amount as absenteeism in terms of lost productivity. But researchers at U-M believe those numbers may be inaccurate. A new opinion paper suggests…