
  1. April 4, 2011

    Conscientious people earn more and save more for retirement

    Americans who are more conscientious have higher lifetime earnings and save more for retirement, according to researchers at the U-M Retirement Research Center. Individuals who are at the 85th percentile of conscientiousness earn about $1,500 more per year than the average American, which amounts to about $96,000 more in lifetime earnings and $158,000 more in…
  2. April 4, 2011

    Consider has campus looking at issues from both sides

    Consider has stirred debate, and its organizers are pleased. Reappearance of the four-page, student-run point-counterpoint publication on campus has inspired people across the university to initiate dialogue. Consider came back a year-and-a-half ago, after a two-year hiatus.

  3. April 4, 2011

    Don’t miss: New exhibit highlights U-M’s role in advancing dentistry

    “Inside the Dental Practice: 1860-1940,” at the Sindecuse Museum in the School of Dentistry, depicts the transformations in dentistry from the mid 19th through the early 20th centuries — changes that had a dramatic impact on the profession and ultimately the health and well-being of the public. The school, established by the state legislature in…
  4. April 4, 2011

    Byrnes takes position with joint institute

    Pamela Byrnes, a U-M alumna and former state representative is the new executive director of the university’s joint institute with Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  5. April 4, 2011

    Scholarship & Creative Work

    Unemployment rate, cost of gas predict fuel economy of purchased vehicles Average fuel economy of purchased new vehicles has increased by more than 12 percent since late 2007, due mainly to high unemployment and gas prices, according to a U-M study. The average fuel economy of purchased new light-duty vehicles (cars, pickup trucks, minivans and…
  6. April 4, 2011

    U-M prescription drug plan outpaces the nation; saves $57 million

    U-M’s prescription drug plan consistently has outperformed the national average, saving nearly $57 million over the eight years the university has operated the self-insured plan, according to the latest report.

  7. April 4, 2011

    Photo: Hammond's 'My Heavens'

    Jane Hammond’s “My Heavens” is part of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business Art Collection, presented throughout the Ross School and at the website, Photo by Jane Hammond.
  8. April 4, 2011

    U to sponsor fourth e-waste recycling event

    The Office of Campus Sustainability and Ann Arbor Public Schools are sponsoring a free e-waste recycling event designed to help area residents, small businesses and nonprofits dispose of electronics in an earth-friendly way.

  9. April 4, 2011

    Cause marketing lowers charitable donations

    Cause marketing — when firms share proceeds from the sale of products with a social cause — reduces charitable giving by consumers, says a researcher at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business.

  10. April 4, 2011

    New web-based system for UCUCA

    The University Committee on Use and Care of Animals (UCUCA) will transition from one IT system to another in the next few weeks. The UCUCA office, with assistance from Information and Technology Services, plans to move from eSirius to eResearch Animal Management (eRAM), a new Web-based system to manage animal research protocols, regulatory processes, and…