July 22, 2013
Electronic health records slow the rise of healthcare costs
Use of electronic health records can reduce the costs of outpatient care by roughly 3 percent, compared to relying on traditional paper records. That’s according to a new study from U-M that examined more than four years of healthcare cost data in nine communities. The “outpatient care” category in the study included the costs of… -
July 22, 2013
Ross professor, course encourage students to be world changers
Ask Michael Gordon what he’s trying to accomplish by exposing undergraduates to an up-and-coming focus in business curriculum called social entrepreneurship and the answer probably will go something like this: “Each of us has the opportunity and potential to nudge the planet in the direction we want to see it move,” Gordon writes in his blog,
July 22, 2013
Faculty Perspectives: Scholarly communication — archives and presses
From my perspective as a faculty member in the humanities, one of the most disturbing aspects of current discussions of the dissemination of knowledge is the tendency to blur the distinction between archives and publishers. The distinction used to be clear: presses produced new scholarship, libraries preserved it. Digital repositories such as Deep Blue performed… -
July 8, 2013
MHealthy suggests people who sit for 60 should move for three
Many of us are sedentary at our work stations for hours at a time. Research suggests that sitting for long periods of time can contribute to higher risk for diabetes, obesity, heart attack and even cancer. If you find yourself sitting at your desk, in a meeting or at home for hours at a time,… -
July 8, 2013
James C. Snyder Professor Emeritus James C. Snyder, who served as interim dean of the Taubman College of Achitecture and Urban Planning from 1997-98, died June 24 at the age of 73 after an 18-year battle with cancer. Snyder taught at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before joining U-M in… -
July 8, 2013
Mimicking venomous snakes: untangling the history of deceptive coloration
Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, friend of Jack. That folk rhyme is supposed to help people distinguish venomous coral snakes from several non-venomous “mimics,” animals that discourage predators by deceptively imitating a dangerous species. An adult ground snake from Cochise County, Arizona. Adult ground snakes grow to a length of about… -
July 8, 2013
Subconscious prejudice does not influence white opinion about Obama
A subconscious prejudice against blacks may not have an effect on how whites feel about President Obama or policies intended to benefit blacks, a new study indicates. “These findings differ from previous research, which suggested that subconscious negative attitudes toward blacks — also referred to as “implicit prejudice” — eroded the white vote for Obama… -
July 8, 2013
Love of ceramics inspired career in dentistry
Photo by Eric Bronson, Michigan Photography. When the Ann Arbor Art Fair returns July 17-20, Dr. Stephen Stefanac will be back behind a potter’s wheel, his hands forming wet clay, showing kids and adults how pots are made. “I have a lot of fun with that. I really want to educate people about the process,”… -
July 8, 2013
Fathers can help sons avoid trouble, even if they aren’t under the same roof
Dads who don’t live with their sons still can steer them away from risky behaviors, even if they reside in communities of high crime and poverty. New research from the School of Public Health measured the impact of a federally funded program called Fathers and Sons, which strives to improve the parenting confidence and skills… -
July 8, 2013
Old school: U-M in History
On the water