October 5, 1992
In a related event, the Michigan Quarterly Review has devoted its fall issue to the Middle East. The special issue was edited by Anton Shammas, novelist, journalist and adjunct professor in the Department of Near Eastern Studies. Shammas is a Palestinian whose 1986 novel, Arabesques, written in Hebrew, won several international awards and was a…
October 5, 1992
From Travel Services The University and American Express have entered into a new agreement. Effective immediately, the University is sponsoring a dual corporate charge card program, enabling faculty and staff to use the Corporate American Express Charge Card and/or the First Banks VISA Corporate Card. There is no annual membership fee associated with either corporate…
September 28, 1992
Douglas E. Van Houweling, vice provost for information technology, distributed a lengthy message to all users of the U-M MTS system last week describing unauthorized monitoring of electronic mail by two Information Technology Division (ITD) employees. “Neither the subject nor the content of electronic mail conveyed by the MTS Message System or the Confer II…
September 28, 1992
By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services College of Engineering Dean Peter M. Banks wants to look out his office window at 5 p.m. on a Friday and see students coming to North Campus, rather than leaving. He’d like the ambience to be a little less like an industrial park and a little more like…
September 28, 1992
Faculty and staff who park in the Thompson Street Structure have been mystified over the past several weeks about the appearance of an “island” with an entrance/exit gate just inside the main entrance of the structure. Installation of the island is one of several pilot projects under way at University Parking Services to alleviate frustrations…
September 28, 1992
By Rebecca A. Doyle More than 14 tons of cardboard were collected this year by Plant Ground and Waste Management crews during move-in week. The corrugated cardboard comes from boxes students use to transport books, clothing and personal items to their residence hall rooms each term. The amount collected, says Erica M. Spiegel, special projects…
September 28, 1992
By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services In the 1970s, an expressway billboard in Detroit promoted bowling with the slogan, “Have some fun. Beat your wife tonight. Then celebrate with friends.” Such blatant jokes about domestic violence are no longer in vogue, according to alumna and Marquette County Judge Patricia L. Micklow, “but we continue…
September 28, 1992
By Mary Jo Frank Faculty, staff and students are best described as “colleagues,” not customers, says Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. In these roles, we serve one another, but are not servants, Whitaker told Senate Assembly Sept. 21. During the past year at Senate Assembly meetings and other public forums, faculty members have criticized efforts…
September 28, 1992
By Rebecca A. Doyle Midnight calls are nothing new to the five-member team of nurse-midwives who volunteer their time helping young women cope with their pregnancies at the Corner Health Center in downtown Ypsilanti. Janice L. Wery, Ann D. Garvin, Carol S. Shultheis, Patricia A. Crane and Terri L. Murtland are committed to providing quality…
September 28, 1992
By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services The University of Michigan is embarking on a mission that could have a positive impact on the Midwest economy and create new faculty research opportunities by strengthening a network of partnerships between U-M researchers and private industry. It’s called technology transfer, a term used to describe a broad…