
  1. October 5, 1992

    Armenian Lecture Series scheduled Oct. 14–15

    Aram Arkun, assistant director of the Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center, New York, will give three lectures as part of the 1992–93 Armenian Lecture Series. He will give a brown-bag lecture at noon Oct. 14 in the Lane Hall Commons Room on “Developments in Armenia, Karabagh and Azerbaijan.” “The Fall of the Eagles’ Nests:…
  2. October 5, 1992


    Richard W. BaileyRegents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service Richard Bailey is that model educator who demands that the university exist not in and for itself but for the growing good of the world. Throughout his career he has continually brought his scholarly interests in language and pedagogy to bear on real social problems. Professor Bailey…
  3. September 28, 1992

    Fine: ‘Vietnam one of the great tragedies of American history’

    By Mary Jo Frank The Vietnam War was a “presidents’ war,” history Prof. Sidney Fine told his students Sept. 18. The class—several hundred alumni and friends on campus for the Campaign for Michigan kickoff—included many of Fine’s former students who came up before and after the presentation to shake hands and express their appreciation to…
  4. September 28, 1992

    Pharmacy hosts open house

    An open house will mark the completion of 20,000 square feet of additional laboratory and office space at the College of Pharmacy. University faculty, students and staff are invited to stop by between 3 and 5 p.m. Friday (Oct. 2) to inspect the new, four-story “wing” that connects the Pharmacy Building with the C.C. Little…
  5. September 28, 1992

    Hymans: ‘We’re doing a lousy job coming out of this recession’

    By Mary Jo Frank Officially, the U.S. recession began in the third quarter of 1990. It appears to have lasted only three quarters, and domestic production has increased in each of the past five quarters (second quarter 1991 through second quarter 1992). Why does it still hurt? “Compared to our own history, we’re doing a…
  6. September 28, 1992

    Diag kiosk fire disrupts computer, phone service

    A kiosk fire discovered by Campus Security officers at 1:45 a.m. Sept. 19 on the Diag in front of the Undergraduate Library has caused at least $100,000 in damage to fiberoptic and coaxial cables, located in steam tunnels beneath the Diag, that provide computer, telephone and electrical service to many Central Campus buildings. The Diag…
  7. September 28, 1992

    Student rights statement back on drawing board

    By Jane R. Elgass Version 10.2 of the proposed Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities will go back to the editing table this week for revisions that address a number of student concerns. The concerns were voiced over the past several weeks at a number of focus groups with student organizations that involved Vice President…
  8. September 28, 1992

    Thayer parking structure will be ready for use Jan. 1

    Faculty and staff who normally park in the Thayer Street structure were surprised this fall to find it still closed due to major renovation work. In the past couple of years, the structure was closed during the summer but reopened in September. Susan A. Kirkpatrick, manager of University Parking Services, says the University decided to…
  9. September 28, 1992

    Guest Artist Series brings 3 dance companies here

    From the Dance Department The Dance Department’s Fifth Annual Guest Artist Series will feature three visiting companies in October. The series leads off Sunday (Oct. 4) with “Dance & Film,” an evening of movement and film animation, created and performed by choreographer/dancer Lorn MacDougal and cinematographer/composer/dancer Alain Le Razer. The program offers an unusual and…
  10. September 28, 1992

    Three alumnae share their triumphs in Campaign kickoff panel

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services In 1977, Sara Duvall, U-M alumna and executive producer of the acclaimed film Fried Green Tomatoes, was a media specialist laboring in the workrooms of the Lincoln School district. “Then one day, I decided to make movies rather than show them,” she said, “and headed for the London…