
  1. October 19, 1992

    Week focuses on sexual assault prevention

    The University’s eighth annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week, scheduled Oct. 25–30, offers a variety of free, public workshops for women and men in addition to its annual “speakout” on sexual violence. Sponsored by the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC), the week is designed to raise the campus community’s awareness and understanding of the…
  2. October 19, 1992

    Price kicks off Sigma Xi Ethics and Science Lecture Series

    The U-M chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, launches its 1992–93 Ethics and Science Lecture Series this week. Alan R. Price, chief of the investigations branch and senior scientist and assistant director of the Office of Research Integrity in the U.S. Public Health Service, will speak on the “Impact of the Federal Government…
  3. October 19, 1992

    Humanities Institute program looks at ‘Utopian Revisions’

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services What new forms of society are likely to fill the vacuum created by the fall of communism in Eastern Europe? A free, public conference on “Utopian Revisions: Nationalism and Civil Society in Eastern Europe,” Oct. 29 and 30 in the Rackham Building will probe that mystery through lectures…
  4. October 19, 1992

    Business Week ranks Business School 5th

    Business Week magazine has ranked the School of Business Administration as one of the top five business schools in the country. In its new survey of M.B.A. programs, the magazine ranked the U-M number five, up two slots from its 1990 ranking. Ranked higher were Northwestern University (1), the University of Chicago (2), Harvard University…
  5. October 5, 1992

    MQR focuses on Middle East

    In a related event, the Michigan Quarterly Review has devoted its fall issue to the Middle East. The special issue was edited by Anton Shammas, novelist, journalist and adjunct professor in the Department of Near Eastern Studies. Shammas is a Palestinian whose 1986 novel, Arabesques, written in Hebrew, won several international awards and was a…
  6. October 5, 1992

    New agreement with AMEX signed

    From Travel Services The University and American Express have entered into a new agreement. Effective immediately, the University is sponsoring a dual corporate charge card program, enabling faculty and staff to use the Corporate American Express Charge Card and/or the First Banks VISA Corporate Card. There is no annual membership fee associated with either corporate…
  7. October 5, 1992

    ‘Silent Nights’ at UMS performances

    Music lovers this year will hear more music and less coughing thanks to the distribution of free cough lozenges from the Warner-Lambert Co. Five flavors of Halls Mentho-Lyptus Cough Suppressant Tablets will be available in the lobbies of Hill, Rackham and Power Center for Performing Arts auditoriums before concerts this season. They are even wrapped…
  8. October 5, 1992

    Videos help music teachers improve teaching style

    By Nicole McKinney Record Special Writer When students sit glassy-eyed during music class, it may be because the teacher talks too much, say researchers at the School of Music. In music education, children tend to learn better from teachers who use non-verbal or a mix of verbal and non-verbal teaching styles, says music education Prof.…
  9. October 5, 1992

    Old, new world encounter is focus of American culture theme semester

    By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services “The encounter that took place 500 years ago between the Old World and the New” is the focus of a “theme semester” sponsored by the Program in American Culture this term. Focusing on “The Americas Then and Now: Beyond 1492,” the theme-semester umbrella covers 18 existing courses, an…
  10. October 5, 1992

    Several events set to mark Investing in Ability week

    The U-M will join in the state celebration of “Investing in Ability Week” Oct. 11–17 with a series of public events. “Investing in Ability Week” promotes employment of people with disabilities by encouraging employers and the general public to focus on a person’s abilities rather than disabilities. Events include: Oct. 12 “Marketing Your Abilities: The…