
  1. January 25, 1993

    Malveaux: King really an economist

    By Ryan Solomon News and Information Services Martin Luther King Jr. should be thought of as an economist as much as a minister or civil rights leader, says economist and writer Julianne Malveaux. Malveaux spoke at the closing ceremony marking the U-M’s sixth annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Symposium. The San Francisco Sun reporter,…
  2. January 25, 1993

    Much remains to be done in achieving Mandate

    By Jane R. Elgass “We are now part way across the street trying to get to the other side and there are lots of trucks going in both directions.” That was how President James J. Duderstadt characterized the University’s progress in reaching the goals of the Michigan Mandate at last week’s Regents’ meeting. His remarks…
  3. January 25, 1993

    School of Art explores culture of its community

    By John Woodford Executive Editor, Michigan Today Carol Ann Carter, associate professor of art, told the 65 attendees that the format chosen for the School of Art’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day program “might seem too ’60s, like a sensitivity session, but we’re trying to show the parts that make the whole.” The School’s informal…
  4. January 25, 1993

    Conference will examine Utopian quest for physical perfection

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services The utopian quest for physical perfection will be the topic of “The Utopian Body: Medicine, Technology, and Ethics,” a conference sponsored by the Institute for the Humanities on Saturday (Jan. 30) in the Assembly Hall, Rackham Building. The free, public conference will bring specialists in medicine and the…
  5. January 25, 1993

    Women must work to improve access to health care

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services Rackham Auditorium was packed last Monday as hundreds of students, health professionals and supporters gathered to hear Faye Wattleton, president of Planned Parenthood in 1978–92, reflect on “Equality and Justice: Women’s Unfinished Health Care Agenda.” Her talk was part of the University’s Martin Luther King Day celebration. “Women…
  6. January 25, 1993

    Pryor Foundation gift funds activities of Journalism Fellows Program

    A $150,000 endowment to strengthen understanding of international reporting has been received by the Michigan Journalism Fellows Program, a gift from the Pryor Foundation of Ann Arbor. Income from the gift will be used to bring in seminar speakers, sponsor travel and provide material for the fellows, who come to the University for sabbatical study…
  7. January 25, 1993

    Libraries fuel children’s dreams; vital to their survival

    By Andrea O. Jackson Record Special Writer “Without the library to inspire children to read, think and imagine, they cannot dream, and without dreams, they will end up rotting and then die,” says Gloria Naylor, who attributes much of her success to libraries. “I grew up in libraries,” Naylor told 250 people in the Michigan…
  8. January 25, 1993

    Northwest offers discount fares for recruiting faculty, students

    From Travel Services Northwest Airlines has signed an agreement with the University that offers discounts on air fares for travel undertaken for recruiting purposes. University departments conducting faculty searches or undertaking student recruitment are encouraged to distribute the following information to those making airline reservations. —Effective dates of travel: Jan. 15–June 30, 1993. —Eligible participants:…
  9. January 25, 1993


    Editor’s Note: These summaries of research projects were presented to the Regents at their January meeting by William C. Kelly, vice president for research. The material here was prepared for the Record by the staff of ResearchNews, a publication of the Division of Research Development and Administration. Porgy and Bess: An American Opera The opera…
  10. January 25, 1993

    ITD announces IFS availability

    By Rebecca A. Doyle The Institutional File System (IFS), one of the most important steps in the University’s move from a centralized to a distributed computing system, is available across the campus to those with Macintosh or Unix workstations and Ethernet or LocalTalk connections to the campus backbone network. IFS service for IBM-PCs and compatibles…