
  1. February 1, 1993

    Public health students protest closure of department

    By Jane R. Elgass A moratorium on student admissions and faculty recruiting for the Department of Population Planning and International Health led to a protest by five speakers and student colleagues at the public comments session of the Regents’ meeting on Jan. 21. The students were told of the moratorium when they returned from the…
  2. February 1, 1993

    Drug, alcohol survey mailing will start Feb. 8

    A survey on alcohol and drug use on campus that may be the first of its type in the nation will be mailed on a staggered basis to 4,500 members of the University community beginning Feb. 8. The survey, supported by a grant from the Michigan Department of Public Health, will be used as a…
  3. February 1, 1993

    Dean Boylan: ‘Great art must agitate the calm’

    By Jane R. Elgass “The modern research university is in a unique position to expand the horizons of artistic expression, and has a fundamental obligation to do just that,” says School of Music Dean Paul C. Boylan. “It should not only tolerate, it should exploit the tension and conflict that legitimately arise between research and…
  4. February 1, 1993

    Columbia Cable (Ann Arbor) will carry WFUM beginning March 1

    Columbia Cable (Ann Arbor) of Michigan will carry the University’s WFUM-TV 28, beginning March 1, U-M and Columbia Cable officials announced. WFUM, a PBS channel owned by and licensed to the U-M, is based in Flint. It will be on Columbia Cable for nine months at no cost to subscribers. “WFUM has a sound reputation…
  5. February 1, 1993

    U joins group to boost enrollment of minorities, women in science, engineering

    By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services The University has joined the Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP), a seven-university consortium whose goal is to bring about, over the next five years, “a 100 percent increase in minorities and women who enroll in and graduate from their universities’ science and engineering programs.” The initiative has received…
  6. February 1, 1993

    African proverb rings true: ‘A single bracelet does not jingle’

    By Rebecca A. Doyle From public safety to pest control, from roofing to recycling, the departments that comprise business and finance units are as diverse in the services they provide as they are in job families and in racial and ethnic composition. Recognizing that diversity, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Farris W. Womack decided…
  7. February 1, 1993

    Sick children home alone? Not with Care in a Crunch

    By Jane R. Elgass Help is at hand for parents of young children who find themselves in a bind when the children are ill, the day care provider is unable to work or some other emergency arises. Care in a Crunch, a program developed by the Family Care Resources Program, will provide parents with names…
  8. January 25, 1993

    Northwest offers discount fares for recruiting faculty, students

    From Travel Services Northwest Airlines has signed an agreement with the University that offers discounts on air fares for travel undertaken for recruiting purposes. University departments conducting faculty searches or undertaking student recruitment are encouraged to distribute the following information to those making airline reservations. —Effective dates of travel: Jan. 15–June 30, 1993. —Eligible participants:…
  9. January 25, 1993


    Editor’s Note: These summaries of research projects were presented to the Regents at their January meeting by William C. Kelly, vice president for research. The material here was prepared for the Record by the staff of ResearchNews, a publication of the Division of Research Development and Administration. Porgy and Bess: An American Opera The opera…
  10. January 25, 1993

    ITD announces IFS availability

    By Rebecca A. Doyle The Institutional File System (IFS), one of the most important steps in the University’s move from a centralized to a distributed computing system, is available across the campus to those with Macintosh or Unix workstations and Ethernet or LocalTalk connections to the campus backbone network. IFS service for IBM-PCs and compatibles…