April 19, 1993
By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services The Institute for the Humanities will celebrate its fifth anniversary with a free, public conference Friday–Sunday (April 23–25) at Assembly Hall, Rackham Building. The Institute’s “Conference on Collaboration” will explore why humanities professors continue to pursue specialized, rather than broad-based, research. “The rewards that individual scholars seek—money, tenure,…
April 19, 1993
Editor’s Note: The Record each month carries a listing of books published by the U-M Press. We hope our readers enjoy this look into what’s behind the book titles. This month’s listing appears on page 8. By Rebecca A. Doyle What has stacks and stacks of books but is not a library? Where at the…
April 19, 1993
A crowd of more than 50,000—graduating students and their families and friends—will stream into Michigan Stadium May 1 for spring commencement, where Hillary Rodham Clinton will become the first first lady to give a U-M commencement address. When she and candidate Bill Clinton were on campus in October, more than 13,000 students and community residents…
April 19, 1993
The Regents approved the following resolution at the April meeting: The Regents of the University of Michigan take great pride in being the only university governing board in the nation this year to be able to adopt back-to-back resolutions commending the men’s basketball team and its coaches for their second consecutive participation in the NCAA…
April 19, 1993
Tired of waiting in line to get your paycheck … and then waiting in another line to cash or deposit it? Tired of relying on the U.S. Postal Service for timely delivery of your paycheck? Help is here for everyone, thanks to the Payroll Office’s development of a new direct deposit system that uses the…
April 19, 1993
By Mary Jo Frank Computer theft under investigation University Police are investigating the April 9 breaking and entering and theft of eight computers valued at more than $37,000 from the G.G. Brown Building. Lt. James R. Smiley asks that individuals with information about the theft contact the Department of Public Safety (DPS) detective bureau, 763-3434.…
April 19, 1993
“Preventing Falls,” a critical consideration in maintaining good health among older adults, will be discussed 1–3 p.m. Wednesday (April 21) at the Kellogg Eye Center Auditorium in a seminar sponsored by Turner Geriatric Services. Neil B. Alexander, assistant professor of internal medicine and research scientist at the Institute of Gerontology, will lead the seminar, which…
April 12, 1993
By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services Teaching children at home won’t make them social misfits, a U-M study suggests. The detailed study of 53 adults who were taught at home by their parents is one of the first to examine the long-term effects of home schooling—a practice now followed by as many as 300,000…
April 12, 1993
By Harriet Teller Michigan Radio Michigan Radio’s award-winning program “Remnants,” a Holocaust remembrance, will be broadcast at 8 p.m. April 20 and 12:30 p.m. April 23. “Remnants” was awarded an honorable mention in the 18th Annual National Commendation Awards of the Foundation of American Women in Radio and Television. The Michigan Radio Theatre production of…
April 12, 1993
While everyone might agree that certain weeks of the year seem to fly by, we’ve probably never seen a whole week reduced to just 2.5 hours. But that’s how long the spring fund drive at Michigan Radio—“The Incredible Shrinking Week”—lasted this year. Originally scheduled for April 1–7, on-air fund raising began at 6 a.m. and…