April 4, 1994
By Jane R. Elgass Results of a telephone survey on the proposed flexible benefits program are now being reviewed by the Flexible Benefits Advisory Committee, which hopes to make a final recommendation to the Executive Officers this month. “The telephone survey was designed to collect broad-based input from across the University on the study of…
April 4, 1994
By Rebecca A. Doyle Two undergraduate students and two faculty members will be honored at the Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities’ (MAGB) 13th annual Higher Education Awards Convocation Wednesday (April 6) in Lansing. Katherine M. Metres, a senior in the LS&A Honors Program, “has contributed to the life of this campus in…
April 4, 1994
By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services A U-M biochemist may have discovered why women dental assistants who are exposed to high levels of a common anesthetic called nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, have more trouble getting pregnant than women in other occupations. According to Rowena G. Matthews, professor of biological chemistry and research scientist…
April 4, 1994
Research, ethics topic of presentation David H. Smith, director of the Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions, Indiana University, will discuss “Research and the Teaching of Ethics” at 3:15 p.m. today (April 4) in Rackham Amphitheater. The lecture, sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, will be followed…
April 4, 1994
The Copernicus Endowment Committee will join with the Department of Aerospace Engineering this Friday (April 8) to inaugurate the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building by dedicating the 1994 Copernicus Lecture to the department’s founder, Felix Pawlowski. Wlodzimierz Zawadzki, an authority in the field of semi-conductor physics, who also is a poet, novelist and television personality in Warsaw,…
April 4, 1994
By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services Faculty, staff and students will join President James J. Duderstadt and six deans Friday (April 8) on North Campus to celebrate groundbreaking for a core facility that will link the disciplines of architecture and urban planning, art, engineering and music, and information resources. The public groundbreaking ceremony for…
April 4, 1994
By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services Researchers at the U-M, the Univer-sity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and the University of Texas, Austin, have been awarded $4.5 million to establish a new Center for Optoelectronics Science and Technology (COST). The center will be one of four funded by the federal Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). “These…
April 4, 1994
At least 500 participants are expected to attend the 11th national conference of the Association for Asian American Studies Thursday–Saturday (April 7–9) at the Michigan League and Rackham Building. The program will feature talks by scholars of Asian American studies from New England to Hawaii. Attendance at the conference is free to U-M students and…
April 4, 1994
E. Lawrence McMahon E. Lawrence McMahon, associate professor emeritus of electrical engineering and computer science, died March 25 at his home here. He was 62. A teacher, adviser and counselor to electrical engineering students for 34 years, he retired from the faculty in 1993. McMahon received his B.S. in electrical engineering in 1952 from Fournier…
April 4, 1994
Starting with fall term, the University will offer a nine-month payment plan to graduate students, parents/guardians of undergraduate students and all students enrolled in professional schools. Under the plan, explains Alex Makarewich, manager of student financial operations, payment of the balance of assessments, less any scholarships, fellowships, grants and loans, can be spread over a…