
  1. September 3, 1996

    Inside-out learning

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Inside-out learning With VICHER, U-M students can go ‘inside’ this catalyst pellet to ‘see’ chemical reactions at the molecular level. Photo Credit: John T. Bell How do you give engineering students some hands-on experience in controlling a chemical reaction chamber without risking an explosion on campus? How do you…
  2. September 3, 1996

    Class of 2000 welcomed to U, urged to use time to learn

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Class of 2000 welcomed to U, urged to use time to learn Students and their parents gathered in Hill Auditorium for the traditional New Student Convocation last week with a not-so-traditional message. Undergraduate Admissions Director Theodore Spencer noted that of the nearly 5,200 first-year students, m ore than 820…
  3. September 3, 1996

    Armchair engineering

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Armchair engineering U-M chemical engineering students must solve a processing problem involving this settling tank at Ann Arbor’s Waste Water Treatment Plant. University of Michigan engineering students are touring a wastewater treatment plan, solving a pollution problem inside a Ford assembly plant, and learning how chemical engineers purify monoclonal…
  4. September 3, 1996

    Look for changes in the Record this issue, this year

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Look for changes in the Record this issue, this year Welcome to The University Record, both new and continuing readers. As the official publication of the University, the Record strives to present information that will encourage collegiality, innovation and open communication among all members of the University community. While…
  5. September 3, 1996

    Older boomers better off financially than most people think

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Older boomers better off financially than most people think By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services Baby boomers born between 1945 and 1954 have saved more than most people think, according to a U-M study. These “senior” boomers were worth about $164,278 by 1994 when they were in their…
  6. September 3, 1996

    A welcome from the president…

    A welcome from the president The University Record, September 3, 1996 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 2074 FLEMING ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48109-1340 313 764-6270 FAX: 936-0775 September 3, 1996 Dear Colleagues: One of the very fine pleasures that comes with my position as Interim President is to welcome you to…
  7. September 3, 1996

    Program recycles lunch waste for Grounds and Waste Management

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Program recycles lunch waste for Grounds and Waste Management Bill Kronberg (left) and Roderick Green place food waste into the composting bin. Photo by Erica Spiegel From Grounds and Waste Management Staff in the Grounds and Waste Management lunchroom no longer throw their garbage into the trash can. Instead,…
  8. September 3, 1996

    Innovation, collegiality, creativity emphasized at new faculty orientation

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Innovation, collegiality, creativity emphasized at new faculty orientation Interim President Homer A. Neal addressed new faculty at their orientation session last week in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Neal urged the group to view students and colleagues as resources for new ideas. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Jared Blank New…
  9. September 3, 1996

    Donate used computers to benefit home-bound

    The University Record, September 3, 1996 Donate used computers to benefit home-bound The Volunteer Computer Corps (VCC) at the U-M is holding a benefit drive to establish a program called CyberAssist that will provide Internet connectivity and training for home-bound physically challenged individuals. Donations of used computer-related items from the U-M community will be sold…
  10. August 13, 1996


    The University Record, August 13, 1996 OBITUARIES John F. Holt John F. (Jack) Holt, professor emeritus of radiology, died July 22 at his Ann Arbor home. He was 81. Holt spent his entire academic career at the University, where he began as assistant resident in 1939, became assistant professor of radiology in 1944, associate professor…