
  1. March 12, 2012

    Nerve gas litmus test could sense airborne chemical weapons

    Nerve gases are colorless, odorless, tasteless and deadly. While today’s soldiers carry masks and other protective gear, they don’t have reliable ways of knowing when they need them in time. That could change, thanks to a new litmus-like paper sensor made at U-M. Above, Sungbaek Seo (right), a doctoral student in the program in Macromolecular…
  2. March 12, 2012

    Fukushima lesson: Prepare for unanticipated nuclear accidents

    A year after the crisis at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, scientists and engineers remain largely in the dark when it comes to fundamental knowledge about how nuclear fuels behave under extreme conditions, according to a U-M nuclear waste expert and his colleagues. In a review article in last week’s edition of the journal…
  3. March 12, 2012


    Honored Ralph Lydic, the Bert N. LaDu Professor of Anesthesiology Research, professor of anesthesiology, professor of molecular and integrative physiology and co-director of U-M’s Center for Sleep Science, will be recognized as a Texas Tech University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences distinguished alumni for his career work related to sleep research. The recognition honors Lydic’s…
  4. March 5, 2012

    Scholarship & Creative Work

    Protecting people from deadly floods, quakes in the Philippines Typhoons thrash the Philippines every year, causing flash flooding and mudslides that often kill hundreds of people in the Southeast Asian nation. Many blame the death and destruction on the wrath of nature. But Gavin Shatkin has a different view. “Disasters are not natural,” says Shatkin,…
  5. March 5, 2012

    Environmental concerns help guide a career path

    When Mike Shriberg was offered his current position of education director at the Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute in 2010, he says the timing was just right, given the leverage and potential the university has to impact environmental and sustainability issues. “This university is at a critical moment in terms of sustainability. The commitment that (President)…
  6. March 5, 2012

    University begins move to Google

    The university today took the first step in its yearlong move to Google Apps for Education, a cloud-based computing platform that will give users across all three U-M campuses access to more than 40 collaborative tools and services.

  7. March 5, 2012

    Google email now in effect for those new to Ann Arbor campus

    Related story:University begins move to Google > Starting today (March 5) Information and Technology Services (ITS) no longer will provide IMAP email accounts to new faculty, staff, students and sponsored affiliates on the Ann Arbor campus. Instead, those new to campus will get Google Apps UMICH accounts. This will happen automatically — departments do not…
  8. March 5, 2012

    SPH students creating blogs in new course

    It’s not enough for new public health professionals to know the science that drives the field. To make a difference, they need to talk to the public and policy makers in clear, jargon-free language. That notion is behind the inaugural graduate course Communicating Science through Social Media. It was created by Andrew Maynard, Charles and Rita Gelman Risk Science Professor, professor of environmental health sciences at the School of Public Health and director of the Risk Science Center.

  9. March 5, 2012

    U-M representatives visit White House to discuss Great Lakes restoration

    More online • White House Council on Environmental Quality > • Great Lakes Restoration Initiative > • Environmental Protection Agency > • Healing Our Waters Coalition > • Great Lakes Jobs 2011 Report > • Don Scavia > • Knute Nadelhoffer > More than 80 environmental, sustainability and academic leaders dealing with Great Lakes issues…
  10. March 5, 2012

    Researchers and provosts make the case for open access

    The many real and prospective constraints on broad and affordable access to published scholarship recently spurred a grassroots effort to push back against the business practices of the world’s largest scientific journal publisher, and prompted a strong statement by a group of chief academic officers. The grassroots effort, The Cost of Knowledge, has obtained a commitment from 7,642 researchers around the world — including 28 U-M faculty members and graduate students — to refrain from publishing, refereeing, and/or doing editorial work for Elsevier journals.