Multimedia Features
June 12, 2019
Student Move-Out aids community
Read MoreThis is some of the more than 12.5 tons of of clothing, bedding, household goods and food that were collected through this year’s Student Move-Out Donation Program. The items are collected and donated to to local organizations that benefit Ann Arbor and surrounding communities. (Photo courtesy of the Office of Campus Sustainability)
June 9, 2019
Mueller report hearing
Read MoreBarbara McQuade (right), professor from practice at the Law School, speaks with U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Florida, a U-M alumnus and member of the House Judiciary Committee. McQuade was one of four witnesses who testified Monday before the Judiciary Committee on “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes.” Read McQuade’s prepared statement for the committee. (Photo by Andrew Loeb, Washington Office)
June 6, 2019
Wolverines at Normandy
This spring, in advance of the recent 75th anniversary of D-Day, 13 cadets from the U-M Wolverine Battalion traveled to Normandy, France. In this video, the Army ROTC cadets talk about some of the activities they participated in over the course of a week. They took part in a staff ride, toured historic battlefields, monuments and memorials in northern France.
June 5, 2019
Patent testimony
Associate General Counsel Rick Brandon (left) talks with Sen. Thom Tillis, R-North Carolina, chairman of the Senate Intellectual Property Subcommittee, at a patent hearing June 5 in Washington, D.C. Brandon — representing the Association of American Universities — told the panel that making changes to the law that determines if a scientific discovery is patentable could help spur more innovation, particularly for medical diagnostic tests. The subcommittee is holding three hearings in June to collect input as it looks toward writing legislation later this summer. (Photo by Mike Waring, Washington Office)
June 4, 2019
Late bloomers
Read MoreMother Nature is taking her time bringing blooms to the Nichols Arboretum Peony Garden this year. While tree peonies and some herbaceous peonies are open, the cool, rainy spring has slowed down what would usually be a garden in bloom by now. Nonetheless, expectations are that the garden is close to breaking out in its seasonal splendor. Visit the Peony Bloom Status page to see where things stand, or learn more about the Peony Garden. (Photos by Michele Yanga and Joseph Mooney)
May 28, 2019
Going Blue on Top of The World!
Read MoreLSA senior Ermelinda Ndoka’s photo of her sitting on an old stone wall at the site of her grandparents’ house in Albania is the winner of the International Institute’s most recent annual photo contest. Said Ndoka: “I showed my Michigan pride while appreciating my family’s sacrifices! At that moment, I was most thankful for where I am from, and where I currently a-M!” View category winners and other submissions.
May 21, 2019
Autism and gaming
ToMs Theory of Mind Gaming Program at Michigan Medicine is a speech language therapy available for teenagers with autism spectrum disorder. Using board games, teens in this group enhance conversation, narrative ability and problem solving. In this video, Phil Menard, director of the program, explains what theory of mind is, how it impacts the kids within the program, and expected outcomes from this therapy.
May 15, 2019
New dance building
Read MoreThe Board of Regents on Thursday approved the schematic design for a new 24,000-square-foot dance building within the School of Music, Theatre & Dance. The top drawing shows the planned facility on North Campus in a view looking southeast, while the bottom image shows its location south of the Moore Music Building and Brehm Pavilion. (Images courtesy of Architecture, Engineering and Construction)
May 14, 2019
Landfill drones
Methane makes up about 50 percent of the gases produced by landfills. In this video, Dimitrios Zekkos, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, and his team show how they use drones to autonomously detect rising methane levels in a Midland, Michigan, landfill. With this new approach to existing technology, Zekkos hopes to turn U.S. waste dumps into untapped energy production plants.
May 13, 2019
Staff Impact Awards
Read MorePresident Mark Schlissel presented the Project Healthy Schools Team with the group President’s Staff Award of Distinction at Monday’s Staff Impact Awards ceremony. From left are Nathan Saulter, Jean DuRussel-Weston, Ben Ransier, Jana Stewart, Schlissel, Miriam Dineen, Jacob Robidou, Jennifer Alexander, Brad Newman and Julie Nelson. Eleven individuals and three teams were presented with Staff Impact Awards, including James Zajkowski of Information Technology Services, who also received the individual President’s Staff Award of Distinction. (Photo by Austin Thomason, Michigan Photography)