Multimedia Features
March 13, 2020
Economic impact of COVID-19
Read a Q&A with Gabriel ErlichThe economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is being felt not only on Wall Street, but also in other sectors of the economy. In this video, economic forecaster Gabriel Ehrlich, director of U-M’s Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, discusses some of the areas feeling the brunt of the outbreak’s impact. He also says that, despite rollercoaster the stock market, he expects the economic effects of the coronavirus to be short-lived enough to avoid an official recession, “although it could end up being a close call.” Read a Q&A with Ehrlich, and a related Q&A with H. Luke Schaefer, faculty director of Poverty Solutions, about health care and employment inequities brought on by COVID-19’s spread.
March 13, 2020
Earth Day revisited
Read more about the Earth Day panel discussionFormer members of the U-M student organization that established the original Teach-In on the Environment in 1970 reconvened 50 years later for a March 11 panel discussion on how history can inform the environmental movement going forward. From left, panelists George Koling, Elizabeth Grant Kingwill, Doug Scott, David Allan, Arthur Hanson and Barbara Alexander pose with the emblem from the original 1970 teach-in. (Photo by Dave Brenner, School for Environment and Sustainability)
March 12, 2020
Diversity in dentistry
Read more about the programThe School of Dentistry is celebrating the 25th year of its Profile For Success program. The six-week summer session brings undergraduates from educationally and financially disadvantaged backgrounds to campus from around the U.S. to learn about dentistry and prepare for the national Dental Admission Test. In this video, Dentistry administrators, faculty, alumni and students discuss the history and success of the program over the last 25 years.
March 11, 2020
Hail to the handwashers
Read more about proper handwashing techniquesHow do you properly wash your hands? How long should you wash your hands with soap and water, or clean them with an alcohol-based product, to get rid of germs, including bacteria and viruses such as coronavirus? Twenty seconds. From the moment you start washing or rubbing your hands together, just sing U-M’s fight song, “The Victors,” to yourself. This video shows the motions you should use to get all the surfaces of your hands clean.
March 10, 2020
‘It’s like you have a hand again’
Read more about the new prosthetic technologyIn a major advance for mind-controlled prosthetics, new U-M research led by biomedical engineering faculty members Paul Cederna and Cindy Chestek demonstrates technology that taps faint latent signals from nerves in the arm and amplifies them to enable real-time, intuitive, finger-level control of a robotic hand. In this video, Cerderna and Chestek explain the technology and its benefits.
March 6, 2020
Congressional Breakfast
Read more about the 2020 Congressional BreakfastExtolling U-M’s record $1.62 billion in research expenditures for 2019, President Mark Schlissel told a Washington, D.C., audience March 5 that federal support for research is helping U-M advance the public good. The annual U-M Congressional Breakfast attracted numerous members of Congress including, from left, Rep. Grace Meng, D-New York; Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint; President Schlissel; Rep. Andy Levin, D-Bloomfield Township; and Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph. (Photo by Photo Stiles)
February 27, 2020
Mapping a Greenland glacier
Read more about the teach-out that grow out of this expeditionU-M sent a team of undergraduates and faculty to Greenland in the summer of 2019 to conduct climate science experiments. Then their resident videographer, Sean Curtis Patrick, had an idea — using drones they would scan and map a glacier in 3-D. In this video, Patrick describes the challenges in the experiment and how it worked out. The expedition and its results are featured in a teach-out, “Melting Ice Rising Seas,” that starts March 2.
February 27, 2020
A team approach
Read more about Mcubed CommunitiesA new program at U-M aims to gather and mobilize groups of faculty across all three campuses so they can work together to solve complex challenges and develop innovative curricula. Mcubed Communities is an online tool that encourages faculty to create or join groups around a common purpose, ranging from shared expertise and academic goals to research and scholarship themes. This video shares information about how collaboration across the three campuses would work within Mcubed Communities.
February 26, 2020
Partnering with PEER
Read more about the PEER program’s outreachAs part of U-M’s public engagement mission, the School of Music, Theatre & Dance’s Performance Engagement Educational Residencies program provides mini-grants as well as logistical and programmatic support for SMTD students to partner with underserved communities throughout Michigan to create mutually beneficial arts experiences. This video takes a look at PEER’s partnership with Flint’s Beecher Community Schools for a month of educational workshops focused on free improvisation.
February 25, 2020
Battling a deadly disease
Read more about white-nose syndrome in batsA new study from U-M biologists presents the first genetic evidence of resistance in some bats to white-nose syndrome, a deadly fungal disease that has decimated some North American bat populations. The study involved northern Michigan populations of the little brown bat, one of the most common bats in eastern North America prior to the arrival of white-nose syndrome in 2006. Since then, some populations of the bat have experienced declines of more than 90 percent.