Multimedia Features

  1. July 7, 2021

    COVID collection

    Student films. Journal entries. Tributes to hospital workers. The Bentley Historical Library’s COVID-19 collection includes 265 digital items from more than 150 donors. Archivists are still collecting submissions, with an eye now on how the pandemic continues to touch people’s lives more than a year after it started.

    Read more about the Bentley’s COVID-19 collection
  2. July 1, 2021


    Microphones are perhaps the most common electronic sensor in the world, with an estimated 320 million listening for our commands in the world’s smart speakers. The trouble is that they’re capable of hearing everything else, too. But a team of U-M researchers has developed a system that can inform a smart home — or listen for the signal that would turn on a smart speaker — without eavesdropping on audible sound. In this video, researchers discuss how PrivacyMic works.

    Read more about this smart speaker that will not eavesdrop
  3. June 25, 2021

    Meet Big Flappo Jr.

    The peregrine falcon chick that recently hatched in a nesting box on the roof of North Quad has a large wingspan to live up to a new name: Big Flappo Jr. The winning name was selected from dozens of suggestions through a recent online naming contest after the U-M community was invited to participate. (Jody Mathias, Environment, Health & Safety)

    Read more about the selection process that led to Big Flappo Jr.
  4. June 17, 2021

    Mcity ABC’s

    U-M’s Mcity Test Facility has developed the “Mcity ABC Test,” an independent and standardized way for automakers and state and federal regulators to validate the safety of Level 4 automated vehicles inside a closed test track, before they’re tested or deployed on public roads. In this video, Mcity researchers explain how the process works.

    Read more about the Mcity ABC Test
  5. June 10, 2021

    Shadowy sunrise

    Photo of a partial solar eclipse June 10, 2021.

    Those who were up just after sunrise June 10 had the opportunity to witness a stunning spectacle in the form of a partial solar eclipse. The phenomenon occurs when some or all of the sun’s light is blocked as the moon orbits between the sun and the Earth. This photo was taken as the partially eclipsed sun rose over the Ann Arbor campus. (Photo by Daryl Marshke, Michigan Photography)


  6. June 8, 2021

    Those bloomin’ peonies

    Photo of Zachary Wilseck and daughter Delta, sniffing peonies

    Zachary Wilseck, a neuroradiology fellow at Michigan Medicine, helps his daughter Delta sniff a peony bloom as his wife, Danielle, and daughter Brielle look on. The Wilsecks were among the many recent visitors to the Nichols Arboretum Peony Garden, which currently is in peak bloom, and expected to continue through mid-June. The garden is free and open to the public daily from sunrise to sunset. View a gallery of photos from the garden. (Photo by Daryl Marshke, Michigan Photography)

    Read more about the Nichols Arboretum Peony Garden
  7. June 2, 2021

    ‘I never tire of hearing that sound’

    At age 91, U-M entomologist Thomas Moore has spent nearly seven decades studying periodical cicadas. And now, with arrival of the Brood X cicada group, Moore, professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology and a curator emeritus at the Museum of Zoology, is reveling in what he expects will be his last opportunity to study the fiery-eyed bugs. In this photo, Moore examines a papery brown shell left behind after a juvenile periodical cicada shed its exoskeleton and emerged as an adult. (Daryl Marshke, Michigan Photography)

    Read more about the Brood X cicadas
  8. June 2, 2021

    Safer play

    A collaboration between the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association and the School of Public Health helped get teams back on the field with pandemic precautions in summer 2020 and during the spring 2021 surge of new COVID-19 cases. MSYSA approached U-M about helping create a safe reopening plan. In this video, U-M experts explain how they compiled all of the available information and created a Return to Play Phased Activity Chart for MSYSA, which outlines important details and protocols for teams, coaches and parents.

    Read more about how U-M help create a safe return-to-play plan
  9. May 26, 2021

    New home for Kinesiology

    The School of Kinesiology is celebrating its move to the former Edward Henry Kraus Building with a series of videos that offer viewers a glimpse into the school’s new home. The $120 million project included a deep renovation of the existing 183,000-square-foot building, plus a 62,000-square-foot infill addition within an exterior courtyard. This video takes a look at the building’s evolution. A playlist covering other aspects of the project will include a final video June 4.

    View a playlist of other videos in the series
  10. May 21, 2021

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Since May 10, more than 200 Palestinians and a dozen Israelis have died in fighting in Israel and the occupied territories. On May 20, the two sides agreed to a cease fire. Juan Cole, the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History, studies the ongoing political change in the Middle East and is author of the blog Informed Comment. In this video, he discusses some of the issues behind the current crisis.

    Read Juan Cole’s primer on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict