Multimedia Features

  1. December 11, 2024

    How rising temperatures affect monkeys

    The immune performance of wild capuchin monkeys declines when the animals experience higher temperatures, and younger monkeys seem to be particularly vulnerable to heat, according to a U-M study. In this video, U-M anthropology doctoral student Jordan Lucore explains her research on wild monkeys in Costa Rica.

    Read more about this study
  2. December 9, 2024

    Mott tree lighting

    This video captures the seasonal joy and celebration as C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital kicks off its holiday season with appearances by Batman, Captain Marvel and dozens of young heroes called the hospital’s annual “calendar kids” at a tree-lighting ceremony.

  3. December 5, 2024

    Honoring Regent Ron Weiser

    Regent Ron Weiser acknowledges the applause of his fellow regents and others at the Dec. 5 Board of Regents meeting, his last as a member of the board. Weiser was lauded for his philanthropy, leadership and insight, and was given a resolution commending him for his service and granting him the honorary title of regent emeritus. (Photo by Daryl Marshke, Michigan Photography)

    Read more about the board’s tribute to Ron Weiser
  4. December 2, 2024

    Two decades of school wellness

    Project Healthy Schools, a collaboration between U-M and communities across the state, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Designed to reduce childhood obesity and improve the current and future health of Michigan’s youth, Project Healthy Schools is one of a few school-based programs that have demonstrated significant and lasting improvements in health behavior and cardiovascular risk factors. This video shares some highlights from the collaboration.

    Read more about Project Healthy Schools
  5. November 26, 2024

    A season of celebration

    In his monthly address to the U-M community, President Santa J. Ono offers a message of celebration for all that has been accomplished to date and encourages everyone to embrace the ideals of Vision 2034 as the new year approaches. Also, Ono acknowledges the work and efforts of the Maize and Blue Cupboard in this month’s Portrait of a Wolverine.

  6. November 25, 2024

    Flint Artist in Residence

    A collage of photos featuring an artist and her work

    Janice McCoy, a 2018 UM-Flint graduate with degrees in visual arts education and general studio art, has been named the 2024-25 Flint Artist in Residence. As the 2024 Flint Artist in Residence, McCoy will collaborate with UM-Flint faculty and students, as well as with the Riverbank Arts gallery. (Collage by Tamela Harris, UM-Flint; photos by Matthew Osmon)

    Read more about Janice McCoy
  7. November 22, 2024

    Join the Blood Battle

    As the 2024 Blood Battle winds down, President Santa J. Ono is asking the campus community to join the annual competition with The Ohio State University before the Nov. 27 deadline. In this video, Ono stresses the importance of giving blood during the annual contest that pits the rival universities against each other to see which one can generate more donations.

    Learn more about how to join the Blood Battle
  8. November 19, 2024

    Parasite project

    Amanda Koltz, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin, recently started a project that enlists undergraduate students in the U-M Biological Station’s Field Mammalogy course. Koltz and collaborating researchers at Yale, Texas A&M and U-M are assessing disease ecology in the wild at UMBS by collecting data from white-footed mice. This video explains how the mice are studied and what researchers hope to learn.

    Read more about this parasite research project
  9. November 18, 2024

    Illustrating concussions

    A photo of a mural illustrating concussions

    A section of the mural that can be seen at the U-M Concussion Center in the School of Kinesiology Building. Ypsilanti-based artist Avery Williamson, along with a team of students from the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, recently completed this expansive mural at the center after interviewing patients and visualizing their road to recovery from concussion. (Photo by Daryl Marshke, Michigan Photography)

    Read more about the mural at the Concussion Center
  10. November 14, 2024

    A focus on well-being

    In his November video message to the U-M community, President Santa J. Ono points to the value of taking time to pause, to reflect and to be grateful. “Studies show that gratitude is good for you — it can reduce depression and lessen anxiety, as well as relieve stress, improve sleep and even strengthen heart health,” he said. “In addition to pausing for gratitude, another fantastic way to stay healthy is to go outside.” Ono also honored U-M’s 2024 Olympians and Paralympians as this month’s Portrait of a Wolverine.