Multimedia Features

  1. May 2, 2022

    Journey to the Big House

    The path to commencement for members of the Class of 2022 was unlike any other, but the experiences that they shared, the community they created, and the friendships they formed make them one of the most dynamic groups of graduates yet. This video by the UMSocial team captures the spirit of their journey.

  2. April 30, 2022

    2022 Spring Commencement

    Collage of photos from Spring Commencement

    Skies were cloudy and the day was windy and cool, but the mood was jubilant on the field of Michigan Stadium as happy graduates celebrated Spring Commencement on April 30. Commencement speaker Maria Shriver urged members of the Class of 2022 to face their fears head on. “To truly know who you are, you cannot hide from yourself,” she said. (Photos by Michigan Photography)

    More coverage of 2022 Spring Commencement
  3. April 30, 2022

    Rackham Graduate Exercises

    After two years in which the COVID-19 pandemic either canceled the Rackham Graduate Exercises or pushed them online, master’s and Ph.D. graduate students were able to celebrate in person April 29. Another returning tradition was the procession of graduates and faculty members from the Rackham Graduate School to Hill Auditorium. (Photo by Eric Bronson, Michigan Photography)

    Read more about the Rackham ceremony
  4. April 29, 2022

    Graduating at Elbel

    Graduation ceremonies for the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, School of Public Health, and School for Environment and Sustainability will take place at an Elbel Field venue that will allow graduates and their families to attend without the restrictions and concerns associated with large indoor gatherings. This time-lapse video shows the process of building the stage and seating area.

    Read more about the Elbel Field graduation venue
  5. April 28, 2022

    MAP turns 30

    The Multidisciplinary Actions Projects program — commonly known as MAP — at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Far from quietly easing into its third decade, however, the cornerstone of action-based learning at Ross continues to expand and enrich the experiences of students and sponsors. In this photo, MAP team members and MBA candidates Will Want, Ji Hae Oh, Eric Chun, Nikita Eliseev, Rachel Sze and Adam Kerlin visit the Blue Origin spaceflight company. (Photo courtesy of Eric Chun)

    Read more about the MAP program
  6. April 25, 2022

    2022 TIP winners

    Group photo of TIP winners

    Recipients of the 2022 Teaching Innovation Prizes are, top row from left, Michelle Bellino, Timothy Cheek, Josh Pasek and Elle O’Brien. Bottom row, from left, are LIFE team members Olivia Anderson, Thomas Bishop, Debra Mattison and Laura Smith.

    Read more about the winning faculty projects
  7. April 21, 2022

    Morphable aerial drones

    Vasileios Tzoumas, assistant professor of aerospace enegineering, is using his expertise to mentor students from the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program to develop the next generation of drone technology. This video explores how the UROP students are helping to develop morphable drones that are efficient during takeoff, maneuvering, and landing, resilient against the elements of nature, and agile in cluttered and dynamic environments.

    Read more about the morphable drone project
  8. April 20, 2022

    Science meets art

    Perennial, a new art installation that hangs in the School of Dentistry’s three-story atrium, consists of more than 900 gold-leafed elements to form a 3D rendering of a columbine flower. Created by award-winning artist Ralph Helmick, it brings a distinctive addition to U-M’s campus art portfolio. In this video, Helmick and his wife, Nan Niland, discuss the origins of his creation.

    Read more and view more images of Perennial
  9. April 19, 2022

    Earth Day cleanup and recycling

    Earth Day comes twice a year for U-M chemistry professor Anne McNeil and her lab — at least, it has since last year. On Earth Day 2021, the McNeil lab organized the inaugural Huron River Watershed Cleanup and the event was so successful that the group repeated the event in the fall. The community cleanup days felt like a natural extension of what McNeil’s lab focuses on: the chemical recycling and upcycling of plastics. This video highlights the work of Huron River cleanup volunteers.

    Read more about the cleanup days and chemical recycling
  10. April 18, 2022

    Math games

    The first five years of a child’s life are considered the most critical for development. But learning opportunities lag for many children, particularly those from low-income households. A math enrichment program called High 5s, developed at U-M to help close the achievement gap, is being implemented in the Taylor School District. In this video, Taylor School District teachers and students, and U-M’s Robin Jacob talk about the program that makes learning math fun.

    Read more about the High 5s program