In the News
October 30, 2013
In a story about national health care, Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business and law, said federal officials should have worked more closely with insurers to better manage the long-coming shift to new coverage.
Bloomberg -
October 29, 2013
In a story about Orson Welles’ 1938 “The War of the Worlds” radio hoax, Susan Douglas, professor of communication studies, discussed the enormous impact of radio at the time.
October 29, 2013
Mark Perry, professor of finance at UM-Flint, was quoted on the dichotomy of the rising cost of services, such as education and health care, and the declining prices of manufactured goods, such as clothes and electronics, during the past 30 years.
CNN Money -
October 29, 2013
Dr. Michelle Macy, clinical lecturer in emergency medicine, pediatrics and communicable diseases, was interviewed about the high rate of youth injuries in vehicle crashes despite advancements in automotive design and child safety seats.
Michigan Radio -
October 27, 2013
Regarding the chance someone could remotely reprogram a wireless heart defibrillator to kill its owner, Kevin Fu, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science, said, “My opinion is it is probably unlikely that a remote attack of this nature could happen today. (But) there can always be a flaw we are unaware of.”
The New York Times -
October 27, 2013
Dr. Theodore Lawrence, professor of radiation oncology, was quoted in an article about radiation therapy versus surgery in treating prostate cancer.
Scripps Howard News Service -
October 27, 2013
Thomas Buchmueller, professor of business economics and public policy, and health management and policy, and Helen Levy, research associate professor of public policy and health management and policy, contend the Affordable Care Act will feed Americans’ addiction to subsidies.
Detroit Free Press -
October 27, 2013
Sarah Clark, research assistant professor of pediatric and communicable diseases, was quoted about her study that found most American parents would prefer email consultations with doctors instead of office visits when their kids have minor illnesses — but nearly half don’t want to pay for it.
U.S. News & World Report -
October 27, 2013
Research by Melvin Stephens, associate professor of economics, on how changes in the labor market affect voter turnout was featured.
PBS NewsHour -
October 27, 2013
Emily Somers, assistant professor of internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and environmental health services, was quoted in a story about her research into the higher rates of lupus among African-American women.
Detroit Free Press