In the News
January 15, 2014
Dr. Michelle Macy, assistant professor of emergency medicine and pediatrics and communicable diseases, was quoted regarding a report that found the use of car seats and booster seats is low among minority children.
Reuters -
January 15, 2014
“With nuclear weapons, we at least had some idea from satellites about how many weapons the Soviet Union had and what they were capable of. Cyberweapons are different,” said Robert Axelrod, professor of political science and public policy.
NBC News -
January 15, 2014
Bridgette Carr, clinical professor of law, said our society too often criminalizes victims of human sex trafficking and that the law must change to allow victims to defend themselves and provide a “safe harbor” for those who are coerced into committing crimes or doing drugs.
The Detroit News -
January 14, 2014
Pamela Smock, professor of sociology and women’s studies, was interviewed about the lopsided role of women versus men when it comes to housework and child care.
NBC News -
January 14, 2014
Regarding her research into food and drink marketing at U.S. elementary and secondary schools, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, research associate at the Institute for Social Research, said: “I think at the very least, we need to have some good strong policies that say, hey, you really can’t market stuff that’s not healthful for the kids.”
Chicago Tribune -
January 14, 2014
Dmitriy Stolyarov, associate professor of economics and associate director of the Michigan Retirement Research Center, was quoted in a story about the tendency of baby boomers to partially retire from the workforce, rather than quit cold turkey. -
January 13, 2014
Philip Myers, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and curator of mammals at the Museum of Zoology, was quoted in an article about the positive impact extreme cold has on nature.
The Associated Press -
January 13, 2014
Comments by Stewart Thornhill, executive director of the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, were featured in a story about the best way for fledgling startups to go after big clients.
The Wall Street Journal -
January 13, 2014
“Technology is just like food. Just as food can make us healthy or obese, technology can make us more effective or more distracted. I hope to develop technology with content that is created by experts with desire for human wellness,” said Jasprit Singh, professor of electrical engineering and computer science.
Business Standard (India) -
January 12, 2014
Eileen Pollack, professor of English language and literature, was joined by Tim McKay, professor of physics and astronomy, and Abby Stewart, professor of psychology and women’s studies, to discuss why women are underrepresented in science.
Michigan Radio