In the News

  1. March 25, 2014

    Edwin Olson, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, was quoted in a story about driverless cars of the future and their insatiable appetite for enormous amounts of information.

    The Wall Street Journal
  2. March 25, 2014

    Jon Miller, research scientist at the Institute for Social Research, was interviewed about the bleak economic prospects for Generation Xers, many of whom struggle to save for retirement and help finance their children’s college education.

    NBC News
  3. March 25, 2014

    “Justices from both ends of the political spectrum, from Brandeis to Rehnquist, were clear on the historic limitations on corporate rights and equally clear on the reasons those rights needed to be limited,” co-wrote William Novak, professor of law and history, urging the U.S. Supreme Court to heed historical precedent when it considers Hobby Lobby’s case that corporations are entitled to the same religious freedom protections as people.

  4. March 24, 2014

    Comments by Lloyd Johnston, research professor and distinguished senior research scientist at the Institute for Social Research, were featured in an article about the steady decline of anti-drug advertising on television.

    Advertising Age
  5. March 24, 2014

    John DeCicco, research professor at the Energy Institute, says consumers are twice as sensitive to higher gas prices than rising home heating costs: “As the saying goes, what other economic indicator is plastered in big numbers on every other intersection across the country? There’s certainly a much greater visibility for the price of gasoline.”

    Michigan Radio
  6. March 24, 2014

    Anna Kirkland, associate professor of women’s studies, was quoted about the temporary suspension of gay marriages in Michigan while the state attorney general appeals a recent decision by a federal judge to overturn the ban on gay marriage.

    The Detroit News
  7. March 23, 2014

    Eileen Pollack, professor of English language and literature, was interviewed about the lack of women pursuing science-related careers.

    Fox Business
  8. March 23, 2014

    “Social entrepreneurship is largely about doing good, as opposed to just generating wealth or profit for a company. I think this current generation is not as interested in just getting a job, but actually feels inspired to do something bigger in the world and to have more impact,” said Matt Gibson, assistant director of student ventures at the Center for Entrepreneurship.

    Michigan Radio's Stateside
  9. March 23, 2014

    Bruce Belzowski, assistant research scientist at the Transportation Research Institute, was quoted in an article about the $1.2 billion penalty that Toyota will pay to end a federal criminal probe that the company misled consumers.

    Los Angeles Daily News
  10. March 20, 2014

    “Women in Darjeeling are keenly aware of the irony that they produce some of the world’s most expensive tea yet get paid a miniscule fraction of what this tea fetches abroad,” said Sarah Besky, assistant professor of anthropology, and natural resources and environment.

    The Times of India