In the News

  1. January 8, 2014

    Comments by Lauren Sallan, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, were featured in a story about her research on ancient Bandringa sharks.

    Los Angeles Times
  2. January 8, 2014

    “JPMorgan’s shareholders may believe these billions of dollars don’t count because they see them as extraordinary expenses, but they keep popping up one after another—and the bank could have done something about them,” said Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business and adjunct professor of law.

    The New York Times
  3. January 8, 2014

    Cliff Lampe, associate professor of information, was interviewed about social media users’ desire to share information about events that we’re all experiencing.

    Michigan Radio
  4. January 7, 2014

    Gavin LaRose, assistant research scientist and lecturer in mathematics, was interviewed about his work with innovative pedagogy and instructional technology in math.

    Chronicle of Higher Education
  5. January 7, 2014

    An opinion piece by Martha Bailey, associate professor of economics, calls for a renewed commitment to the war on poverty, providing opportunities for more Americans and strengthening our society and economy.

    The New York Times
  6. January 7, 2014

    Dr. Jeffrey Kutcher, associate professor of neurology, was quoted in an article about the need to limit children’s cognitive activity — homework, reading, video games— after suffering a concussion.

    CBS News
  7. January 5, 2014

    An opinion piece by Scott Page, professor of complex systems, political science and economics, contends that despite their athletic rivalry, U-M and MSU are “allies with a shared sense of purpose.”

    Detroit Free Press
  8. January 5, 2014

    Kenneth Warner, professor of health management and policy, spoke about the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Surgeon General’s report that declared smoking causes illness and death — and that the government should do something about it.

    The Detroit News
  9. January 5, 2014

    Comments by Gary Huffnagle, professor of internal medicine, microbiology and immunology, were featured in a story about how a high-fiber diet may ward off asthma.

  10. December 15, 2013

    Tom Nalepa, research scientist at the Graham Sustainability Institute, was quoted about declining food supplies for fish and other organisms in some areas of the Great Lakes.

    Detroit Free Press