In the News

  1. January 27, 2014

    Regarding the use of music videos to help young cancer patients feel better about themselves, Brad Zebrack, associate professor of social work, said, “One of the biggest challenges they face is the social isolation — having to spend a lot of time at home, not being able to be with their friends for a lot of time.”

  2. January 26, 2014

    Andy Hoffman, professor of management and organizations, and natural resources and environment, was interviewed about the problems that plagued a 1990s startup that recycled toxic waste.

    The Boston Globe
  3. January 26, 2014

    John Pottow, professor of law, was quoted in a story about Gov. Rick Snyder’s plan to spend up to $350 million to help fund Detroit’s pensions if unions agree to stop fighting the city’s bankruptcy.

    Los Angeles Times
  4. January 26, 2014

    “Recent studies have shown that — per person, per driver and per household — we now have fewer light-duty vehicles, we drive each of them less and we consume less fuel than in the past,” said Michael Sivak, research professor at the Transportation Research Institute.

    USA Today
  5. January 23, 2014

    “It’ll be fun to see what this landscape looks like. It’ll be like standing on a comet,” said Michael Combi, research professor of atmospheric, oceanic and space sciences, in a story about a European probe scheduled to land on a comet later this year.

    NBC News
  6. January 23, 2014

    Holly Rider-Milkovich, director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center was quoted regarding President Obama’s creation of a White House task force to address campus rape and sexual assault nationwide.

    The Chronicle of Higher Education
  7. January 23, 2014

    Dr. Andrew Zweifler, professor emeritus of internal medicine, was interviewed about the new group he helped to create in Michigan, the Physicians for the Prevention of Gun Violence.

    Michigan Radio
  8. January 22, 2014

    Don Scavia, professor of natural resources and environment, and civil and environmental engineering, and director of the Graham Sustainability Institute, was quoted in a story about evaporation and Great Lakes water levels.

    The Associated Press
  9. January 22, 2014

    “A lot of time, people say kids should read by third grade. The reality is the vast majority can decode by third grade. When they are doing badly on assessments like the MEAP, it’s that they can’t comprehend the text,” said Nell Duke, professor of literacy, language and culture.

    The Detroit News
  10. January 22, 2014

    Comments by Daniel Inman, professor of aerospace engineering, were featured in an article about how pacemakers, defibrillators and other implantable devices might someday be powered by the energy generated by the movement of a patient’s own bodily organs.

    U.S. News & World Report