In the News

  1. November 13, 2013

    “History suggests that when a disaster happens, a connection to those with political power matters for the flow of disaster aid, (but) given the historic nature of Typhoon Haiyan, we hope the Philippine political elite can break from the patterns of the past,” wrote Allen Hicken, associate professor of political science, and doctoral students James Atkinson and Nico Ravanilla.

    The Washington Post
  2. November 12, 2013

    “This is a case that establishes the principle that people with disabilities, like everybody else, have to be fully accounted for in emergency preparedness actions,” Samuel Bagenstos, professor of law, said about a federal judge’s ruling that New York City’s emergency plans violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    National Public Radio
  3. November 12, 2013

    Doctoral student Jamila Kwarteng of the School of Public Health was quoted about her research that suggests a well-maintained neighborhood sidewalk — not just merely the presence of one, regardless of condition — encourages exercise.

  4. November 11, 2013

    Physicians have been slow to embrace human papillomavirus testing as an additional screening method for cervical cancer, said Dr. Mack Ruffin, professor of family medicine.

    National Public Radio
  5. November 11, 2013

    Do-Hee Morsman, administrator at the Nam Center for Korean Studies, was quoted in an article about the increasing popularity of Korean studies courses at U.S. universities.

    Inside Higher Ed
  6. November 11, 2013

    Bridgette Carr, clinical professor of law and director of the Human Trafficking Clinic, was interviewed about a state task force recommendation that minors sold for sex or cheap labor should not be charged with a crime.

    Michigan Radio
  7. November 11, 2013

    Comments by Philip Larson, program director of veteran and military services in the Office of New Student Programs, were featured in a story about soldiers who transfer military skills to a college major.

    U.S. News & World Report
  8. November 10, 2013

    Elizabeth Pringle, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, and natural resources and environment, spoke about her research on how the sap of laurel trees attracts ants, which then protect the trees from leaf-eating critters.

    Los Angeles Times
  9. November 10, 2013

    Christiane Gruber, associate professor of art history, was interviewed about the Arab Spring-inspired “Creative Dissent” exhibit at the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn.

    National Public Radio
  10. November 10, 2013

    “The primary purpose of an evaluation cannot be to fire, punish or embarrass, (but) to build a system where every student gets an excellent education every day of every year,” School of Education Dean Deborah Ball said in a story about teacher-evaluation reform in Michigan.

    Bridge Magazine