In the News
May 29, 2014
Susan Dynarski, professor of public policy, education and economics, was quoted in an article about a U.S. government proposal to ease credit standards for parent PLUS loans to finance their children’s college education.
Bloomberg Businessweek -
May 29, 2014
Adam Pritchard, professor of law, was prominently featured in a story about an impending Supreme Court case that will decide the future of securities fraud class actions, litigation that has generated more than $80 billion in settlements and untold billions more in legal fees.
NBC News/Reuters -
May 28, 2014
Comments by Amanda Krugliak, curator and arts programming manager for the Institute for the Humanities, were featured in a story about art collections of items left behind by undocumented migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Aljazeera America -
May 28, 2014
“Every year, I say, ‘Once again this is the best, most-qualified, most all-around class we’ve ever admitted to the university,'” said Ted Spencer, associate vice provost and executive director of undergraduate admissions.
The Detroit News -
May 28, 2014
Richard Boothman, executive director of clinical safety at the U-M Health System, was interviewed about the Michigan Model, a collaborative and transparent approach to patient safety and medical mistakes.
The New York Times -
May 27, 2014
“Physicians are healers. That knowledge should be used only for healing, not executions. Participation as a physician is not ethical,” said Dr. Susan Dorr Goold, professor of internal medicine and health management and policy, on the participation of physicians in prisoner executions.
Los Angeles Times -
May 27, 2014
Howard Stein, professor of Afroamerican and African studies, was quoted in a story about remarks by Irish President Michael Higgins that land ownership in Africa had been subject to too many “disastrous” social and physical engineering experiments.
The Irish Times -
May 27, 2014
Sensitive to gluten? Dr. William Chey, professor of internal medicine, says that a carb in wheat may be the real culprit: “A number of people, including me, now feel that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a misnomer.”
National Public Radio -
May 26, 2014
Priya Kumar, a graduate student in the School of Information, was interviewed about her research on mothers’ motivations to post pictures of their babies online.
National Public Radio -
May 26, 2014
Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business, was featured in a segment on how the rash of vehicle recalls by General Motors will affect the company’s reputation.
PBS NewsHour