In the News
October 8, 2014
Samuel Bagenstos, professor of law, was quoted in an article about the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision not to consider same-sex marriage cases from Indiana, Wisconsin, Utah, Virginia, and Oklahoma.
The Washington Post -
October 8, 2014
“The amount of research and research discoveries is at an all-time high. There’s been a growing emphasis on innovation and a lot of support from the president on down, and that has resulted in more ideas coming our way,” said Ken Nisbet, associate vice president for research-technology transfer.
Detroit Free Press -
October 7, 2014
Andrew Hoffman, professor of management and organizations, and natural resources and environment, was interviewed about how businesses are handling issues of climate change amid political battle lines.
Michigan Radio -
October 7, 2014
“To lose your job is awful, but to experience two years of unemployment, you lose your hard skills; technology passes you by. … It’s not surprising that poverty is going to go up in that group,” said Luke Shaefer, associate professor of social work.
USA Today -
October 7, 2014
Daniel Levine, professor emeritus of political science, was quoted in a story about the impact that Pope Francis is having on Roman Catholics in Latin America.
Chicago Tribune -
October 6, 2014
“Your smartphone has turned you into a dumb organism. You get sucked into wanting to do it all the time. There is now a pressure to always respond immediately. People literally take their phone to bed,” said David Meyer, professor of psychology.
San Francisco Chronicle -
October 6, 2014
Lynn Wooten, clinical professor of strategy and management and organizations, spoke about the confluence of crises — ISIS, Ebola and the Secret Service security breach — facing the U.S., and the role of the president in quelling such calamities.
Fortune -
October 6, 2014
Sharon Glotzer, professor of chemical and macromolecular engineering, physics and materials science, was featured in a program on self-assembly — the coming together of simple units to form something of great complexity.
BBC World Service -
October 5, 2014
David Mayer, associate professor of management and organizations, was quoted in a story about research that finds a link between high levels of testosterone and greedy behavior by powerful people.
The Atlantic -
October 5, 2014
“There is quite a lot of frustration in the population with things like corruption and these big building programs for the World Cup, combined with what they see as very poor public health services and infrastructure,” said Melvyn Levitsky, professor of public policy, regarding the heated election in Brazil.
International Business Times