In the News

  1. November 5, 2014

    Research by Markus Mobius, associate professor of information, was cited in an article about a halo effect that explains why pretty people make more money.

    Business Insider
  2. November 5, 2014

    Scott Page, professor of complex systems, economics and political science, suggests that progress and innovation may depend less on lone thinkers with enormous IQs than on diverse people working together and capitalizing on their individuality.

  3. November 4, 2014

    “If someone uses both [tobacco and alcohol], then their risk of cancer increases by over 200 percent. So using both combined has a bigger effect than using one alone. And there’s probably a bigger risk if someone uses a lot of tobacco or a lot of alcohol,” said Dr. Joel Rubenstein, assistant professor of internal medicine.

    WCMU Radio
  4. November 4, 2014

    Research by Jun Li, associate professor of human genetics and research associate professor at the Center for Computational Medicine and Biology, indicates that sleep problems in people with depression may be due to faulty circadian clocks.

    The Huffington Post
  5. November 4, 2014

    “It isn’t domestic violence that is being broadcast on Sundays. Even though women and men may feel strongly that the acts were criminal and that the league was wrong to cover them up, it is difficult for that to override what might be a lifetime of fan behavior and one often linked closely to identity of place and family,” said Amanda Lotz, associate professor of communication studies, on the strong NFL television ratings despite players’ off-the-field domestic violence scandals.

    Sports Illustrated
  6. November 3, 2014

    Donald Lopez, professor of Buddhist and Tibetan studies, was quoted in a story about the release of “The Norton Anthology of World Religions,” in which he edited its section on Buddhism.

    The New York Times
  7. November 3, 2014

    “For every woman, the decision has to be individualized, based on menopausal status, tolerance for the drug and risk of recurrence,” said Dr. Jennifer Griggs, professor of internal medicine and health management and policy, regarding calls for the FDA to double the years of recommended use of the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen.

    Detroit Free Press
  8. November 3, 2014

    Research by Achyuta Adhvaryu, assistant professor of business economics and public policy, found that industrial factories that switched to LED lights saved energy, boosted productivity and increased profits.

    The Economic Times (India)
  9. November 2, 2014

    Guatam Ahuja, professor of strategy, says that often the concept value of an invention is more important than the physical aspect of the invention itself: “Often companies don’t fully exploit the latest ideas that their product has created.”

  10. November 2, 2014

    Samuel Gross, professor of law, was quoted in an article about research that shows wrongfully convicted African Americans wait longer to be exonerated than others.

    The Huffington Post