In the News

  1. November 3, 2014

    Research by Achyuta Adhvaryu, assistant professor of business economics and public policy, found that industrial factories that switched to LED lights saved energy, boosted productivity and increased profits.

    The Economic Times (India)
  2. November 2, 2014

    Guatam Ahuja, professor of strategy, says that often the concept value of an invention is more important than the physical aspect of the invention itself: “Often companies don’t fully exploit the latest ideas that their product has created.”

  3. November 2, 2014

    Samuel Gross, professor of law, was quoted in an article about research that shows wrongfully convicted African Americans wait longer to be exonerated than others.

    The Huffington Post
  4. November 2, 2014

    A report by researchers Brandon Schoettle, project manager, and Michael Sivak, research professor, both at the U-M Transportation Research Institute, suggests that consumers in China and India are generally more willing than Westerners to embrace self-driving vehicles.

    International Business Times
  5. October 30, 2014

    “We would expect Democratic candidates to trumpet the success of the economy and for Republicans to be on the attack. But at the state level, especially if we’re talking about gubernatorial contests, that logic gets turned on its head,” said Vincent Hutchings, professor of political science.

  6. October 30, 2014

    Richard Lusk, research fellow in ecology and evolutionary biology, says that laboratory contaminants likely explain the results of a recent controversial study that claims complete genes can pass from foods we eat into our blood.

    The Scientist
  7. October 30, 2014

    Jeremiah Johnson, assistant professor of natural resources and environment, spoke about the impact closing a key power plant in the Upper Peninsula will have on residential electric rates.

    WKAR Radio
  8. October 29, 2014

    Research by Dr. Terrill Bravender, professor of pediatrics, shows that many college health centers across the country may lack the resources to fully care for students with chronic health conditions.

    U.S. News & World Report
  9. October 29, 2014

    “I would say (Gov. Rick Snyder) has a solid lead. Based upon the polls, I would be very surprised to see (Mark) Schauer win the election. It’s not inconceivable, but it definitely looks like the polls lean in Snyder’s direction,” said Michael Heaney, assistant professor of political science and organizational studies, regarding Michigan’s gubernatorial race.

  10. October 29, 2014

    Marianne Udow-Phillips, director of the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation, and Dr. John Greden, professor of psychiatry and executive director of the Comprehensive Depression Center, co-wrote a column about how the passage of Michigan’s autism legislation proves the power of personal advocacy in public policy.

    The Detroit News