In the News
November 24, 2014
Sherrie Kossoudji, associate professor of social work and adjunct associate professor of economics, says that granting legal status to unauthorized immigrants will not suppress wages for American workers.
Financial Times -
November 24, 2014
“It really is an epidemic, both in the U.S. and globally. The costs of diabetes are enormous, and they are growing,” said Dr. William Herman, professor of internal medicine and epidemiology, and director of the Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research.
The Washington Post -
November 24, 2014
“When you’re a big, branded company like Walmart, you’re a much more visible and desirable target for environmental groups who want to push the agenda,” said Andy Hoffman, professor of management and organizations, and natural resources and environment.
International Business Times -
November 23, 2014
“The question isn’t whether or not this technology is going to be used in health care and monitoring individuals with psychiatric illnesses. The question is really: How?” said Dr. Melvyn McInnis, professor of psychiatry, regarding a smartphone app to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Wired -
November 23, 2014
Kathyrn Heinze, assistant professor of sport management, and Sara Soderstrom, assistant professor of organizational studies, were interviewed about their interdisciplinary research on local food entrepreneurship and the important role it plays in urban revitalization.
MLive and WJR Radio -
November 23, 2014
Raymond De Young, associate professor of conservation behavior, says the era of cheap and abundant energy will end this century and prompt an involuntary simplistic way of living — smaller homes, fewer consumer goods, fewer cars and more reliance on locally grown foods.
National Geographic -
November 20, 2014
“It seems clear from our data that the different life experiences of black and white Americans lead individuals to interpret what happened in Ferguson in completely different ways,” said Josh Pasek, assistant professor of communication studies, in a column he co-wrote with U-M colleagues.
Detroit Free Press -
November 20, 2014
Research by Jennifer Bragg-Gresham, research area specialist in biostatistics, suggests that air pollution may be linked to higher rates of chronic kidney disease.
U.S. News & World Report -
November 20, 2014
Pamela Smock, professor of sociology and women’s studies, and research professor at the Population Studies Center, spoke about how much and why the American family has changed.
Michigan Radio -
November 19, 2014
Josh Hausman, assistant professor of public policy, was interviewed about the Japanese economy.