In the News

  1. September 14, 2015

    Alison Davis-Blake, dean of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, and Sue Ashford, professor of management and organizations, were featured in a story about the Ross School’s success in increasing the number of female faculty.

    The Chronicle of Higher Education
  2. September 14, 2015

    “Increasing business formation by minority and female entrepreneurs is critical to improving the rate of entrepreneurship for the country as a whole, and generating new growth and jobs,” said Michael Barr, professor of law and public policy.

    Detroit Free Press
  3. September 14, 2015

    Dr. Robert Lash, professor of internal medicine and chief of clinical affairs, was quoted in an article about a new system of medical codes that will require doctors to report illnesses and injuries in greater detail than ever before.

    The New York Times
  4. September 13, 2015

    Comments by Reuben Miller, assistant professor of social work, were featured in an article about how inmates use Yelp to read and post online reviews of jails.

  5. September 13, 2015

    “Men have a more difficult time acknowledging, describing or owning [mental illness] than women do. Men need to recognize that this is not something they can just snap out of, and it’s most certainly not a sign of weakness,” said Dr. John Greden, professor of psychiatry and executive director of the Comprehensive Depression Center.

    The Huffington Post
  6. September 13, 2015

    Bruce Conforth, lecturer in American culture, was interviewed about words that have entered colloquial language after originating as book characters.

    National Public Radio
  7. September 10, 2015

    Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis’ “religious objection to same-sex marriage affords her no more legal or moral basis to hold office as clerk but refuse to do her job than would a religious objection to interracial marriage,” said Samuel Bagenstos, professor of law.

    New Republic
  8. September 10, 2015

    Max Shtein, associate professor of materials science and engineering, discussed the solar cells he developed with Matthew Shlian, a lecturer of art and design, and which were inspired by kirigami — the ancient Japanese art of paper cutting.

    National Geographic
  9. September 10, 2015

    “If we can identify risks during pregnancy that can be treated, such as obstructive sleep apnea, we can reduce the incidence of small babies, C-sections and possibly NICU [neonatal intensive care unit] admission that not only improve long-term health benefits for newborns but also help keep costs down,” said Louise O’Brien, research associate professor of neurology and obstetrics and gynecology.
  10. September 9, 2015

    “They’re people that want more stimulation than sitting at home and being very productive working in your pajamas all day,” said Gretchen Spreitzer, professor of management and organizations, referring to those who do their jobs at co-working spaces.

    The Associated Press