In the News
November 19, 2015
A Physicians for Human Rights report by Dr. Michele Heisler, professor of internal medicine and health behavior and health education, accuses the Syrian government of flouting international law by killing health workers, bombing hospitals and blocking lifesaving aid.
The New York Times -
November 19, 2015
Women should not rely on creams and ointments to reduce pregnancy stretch marks because most products lack solid scientific research, according to research by Dr. Frank Wang, assistant professor of dermatology.
International Business Times -
November 18, 2015
Carmela Brown, associate director for new student services and orientation advising at the Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center, was quoted in a story about the college-readiness of high school seniors.
Detroit Free Press -
November 18, 2015
Miles Kimball, professor of economics, was interviewed about the Federal Reserve’s anticipated hike in interest rates.
November 18, 2015
Comments by Arthur Lupia, professor of political science, were featured in an article about transparency guidelines in social science research.
Inside Higher Ed -
November 17, 2015
Richard Primus, professor of law, said state governors are not empowered to reject immigrants granted refugee status by the U.S. “Immigration law is federal. States are not supposed to engage in foreign relations or in diplomacy. … That’s the federal government’s job, and when states have tried to do things like that, the courts have said, ‘No way.'”
CBS News -
November 17, 2015
Steven Parrish, a natural areas specialist with the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum, was interviewed about the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake, the only venomous snake native to Michigan, which now is on the threatened species list.
Michigan Radio -
November 16, 2015
“The Earth is not in danger. It’s humanity that’s in danger,” said Ben van der Pluijm, professor of earth and environmental sciences, regarding the deforestation of Brazil’s rain forest.
National Public Radio -
November 16, 2015
Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business, was quoted in a story about the prevalence of megadeals in the health care industry.
The Associated Press -
November 16, 2015
“U-M is transforming its educational environment so that every student can have a high-impact engaged learning experience. The growth in education abroad provides us with another means to achieve this goal,” said James Holloway, vice provost for global and engaged education, and professor of nuclear engineering and radiological sciences.
The Detroit News