In the News
October 12, 2016
Comments by Daniel Crane, professor of law, were featured in a story about Tesla’s fight to sell its electric vehicles directly to Michigan consumers.
The Guardian -
October 12, 2016
Andrew Hoffman, professor of natural resources and environment, and management and organizations, says academics and scientists are losing relevance in the eyes of the public: “People are guided by motivated reasoning, and in these politically divided times, information is being coded as liberal or conservative and science falls into that as well.”
Michigan Radio -
October 11, 2016
David Gerdes, professor of physics, led a team of researchers that found a new dwarf planet located about 8.5 billion miles from the sun and takes 1,100 years to complete one orbit.
National Public Radio -
October 11, 2016
“It was a breathtaking moment in American history that a candidate for president would threaten to jail his opponent. This is exactly the kind of vengeance against political enemies that led the colonists to break free from Britain in 1776 and that today we associate with authoritarian regimes in less developed parts of the world,” wrote David Uhlmann, professor and director of the Environmental Law and Policy Program.
The New York Times -
October 11, 2016
Erik Kort, assistant professor of climate and space sciences and engineering, was quoted in an article about the use of technology in controlling methane emissions.
Scientific American -
October 10, 2016
Research led by Daniel Eisenberg, professor of health management and policy, aims to help athletes deal with psychological issues by tracking objective measurements of athletic and academic performance as they compare to mental health.
The Atlantic -
October 10, 2016
“Since the Great Recession in 2008, the data regarding public funding for higher education are numbing. Arizona down 56 percent. Wisconsin, reductions of 25 percent. Pennsylvania, 33 percent. Illinois, 54 percent. If the stock market were trending like this, our nation would be in a dead panic. And yet, sadly, we are not,” wrote Mary Sue Coleman, president emerita and professor emerita of chemistry and biological chemistry.
The Washington Post -
October 10, 2016
Daniel Fisher, director of the Museum of Paleontology, Claude W. Hibbard Collegiate Professor of Paleontology, professor of earth and environmental sciences, and ecology and evolutionary biology, led a dig in Michigan’s Thumb to unearth a male mastodon believed to have lived 11,000 years ago.
The Times Herald -
October 9, 2016
Stanton Jones, assistant professor of natural resources and environment, and students designed a backyard for a home on HGTV’s “Urban Oasis” that uses less lawn and more pollinating plants and garden beds for farm-to-table plants.
The Detroit News -
October 9, 2016
The works of Kathryn Babayan, associate professor of near eastern studies and history, were cited in an article about how the motivation behind Iran’s conversion to Shia Islam in 1501 was political rather than religious.
The Guardian