In the News

  1. December 13, 2016

    “Ending Dodd-Frank would be deeply misguided and likely to re-create the very conditions that led to the 2008 financial crisis, shuttered American businesses, and cost millions of Americans their jobs. The financial sector will get a nice sugar high for a few years, and then crash the economy,” wrote Michael Barr, professor of law and public policy.

  2. December 13, 2016

    David Weir, director of the Health and Retirement Study at the Institute for Social Research, was quoted in a story about the decline of U.S. life expectancy — the first drop since 1993.

    The Washington Post
  3. December 12, 2016

    “(Black women) have been abandoned by those hallmark institutions of the American dream that once promised a gateway into the middle-class — good jobs, home ownership, and post-secondary education — in spite of a public narrative that perhaps America has heaped ‘too much’ help onto them,” wrote Kristin Seefeldt, assistant professor of social work and public policy.

  4. December 12, 2016

    Comments by Clifford Lampe, associate professor of information, were featured in a story about Facebook and its willingness — or not — to open up its treasure trove of data to researchers in light of a slew of politically slanted fake news stories.

    BuzzFeed News
  5. December 12, 2016

    “If the drug companies think that they’re going to continue to have free rein to set and raise drug prices because of Trump, I think they’re deluding themselves. Nobody who voted for him is in favor of high drug prices,” said Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business.

  6. December 11, 2016

    “By encouraging men to cling to work that isn’t coming back, Trump is doing them a disservice. … If Trump really wants to get more Americans working, he’ll have to do something out of his comfort zone: make girly jobs appeal to manly men,” writes Betsey Stevenson, associate professor of economics and public policy.

  7. December 11, 2016

    Sara Adlerstein, assistant research scientist in natural resources and environment, says the ecosystem is more stable without stocking the Great Lakes with invasive and other non-native species: “As people, we need to forget the need to impose our will on nature.”

    Great Lakes Echo
  8. December 11, 2016

    “People (in China) have a preference for what I would call Starbucks-type jobs. People have been finding jobs in the services sector, in shopping malls and things like that. They prefer that kind of work than slogging away in a factory,” said Linda Lim, professor of strategy.

    The Christian Science Monitor
  9. December 8, 2016

    Rebecca Eisenberg, professor of law, was quoted about the biggest science-patent dispute in decades — a gene-editing technique that could launch life-saving therapies, novel genetically modified crops, new forms of mosquito control and more.

    The Atlantic
  10. December 8, 2016

    Research by Dr. Shervin Assari, research investigator in psychiatry, was cited in an op-ed about the elation felt by Trump supporters and the positive effects his victory may have on their mental health.

    The New York Times