In the News

  1. April 19, 2016

    “Without some method of identifying talented students, disadvantaged children may fall even further behind those from affluent families, whose parents can afford niceties like private tutors, Kumon math courses and coding camps. Low-income parents just can’t afford these extras,” said Susan Dynarski, professor of economics, education and public policy.

    The New York Times
  2. April 19, 2016

    Andrei Markovits, professor of sociology, political science and Germanic languages and literature, doubts that the huge investment China plans to make to become a world soccer power will pay off soon: “The men will not win it before 2050, if then.”

    PRI's The World
  3. April 18, 2016

    Research by Dr. Christopher Scally, house officer in general surgery, suggests that a surgeon’s skill level does not seem to have a big impact on long-term outcomes for weight-loss surgery patients.

    U.S. News & World Report
  4. April 18, 2016

    “Misinformation and true information often look awfully alike. The key to an informed life may not require gathering information as much as it does challenging the ideas you already have or have recently encountered,” said David Dunning, professor of psychology.

    The Conversation
  5. April 18, 2016

    Dr. Karandeep Singh, assistant professor of learning health sciences, was quoted in a story about the reliability of mobile medical apps.

    Los Angeles Times
  6. April 17, 2016

    Sunghee Lee, assistant research scientist at the Institute for Social Research, questioned the reliability of a new poll of British Muslims that revealed attitudes on homosexuality and terrorism sharply out of step with broader public opinion in the U.K.

    The New York Times
  7. April 17, 2016

    Norman Bishara, professor of business law, offered several tips for new workers who are asked to sign non-compete agreements as a condition of employment.

    Michigan Radio
  8. April 17, 2016

    Scott W. Campbell, associate professor of communication studies, was quoted in a column about how live video is invading Facebook.

  9. April 14, 2016

    Katherine Freese, professor of physics, was quoted in an article about scientific experiments that will be able to either confirm the existence of dark matter — or rule the claim out once and for all.

    Scientific American
  10. April 14, 2016

    Dr. Margherita Fontana, professor of dentistry, says a substantial body of research supports remineralization as a treatment for early tooth decay, but tradition has been an obstacle to widespread use of the treatment: “For older generations [of dentists], it just feels wrong to leave decay and not remove it. That’s how they were trained.”

    The Wall Street Journal