In the News

  1. June 20, 2017

    Joshua Cole, professor of history, says letting member nations negotiate trade deals separately would run counter to the EU’s central raison d’être: “The European Union is about Europe acting as a union. That’s what it means. You can’t really suggest that it would be better moving forward for countries to negotiate their own deals. If that’s the case, the European Union is redundant.”

    The Washington Post
  2. June 20, 2017

    President Mark Schlissel discussed the Go Blue Guarantee, a new financial aid program that offers free tuition for up to four years for in-state students with family incomes of up to $65,000.

    Michigan Radio
  3. June 20, 2017

    The Trump administration’s plans to make major cuts to biomedical research programs may pave the way for China to overtake the U.S. as the world leader in scientific research, says Bishr Omary, professor of molecular and integrative physiology, executive vice dean for research at the Medical School, and chief scientific officer at Michigan Medicine.

  4. June 13, 2017

    “There are too many people in this administration that are denying that climate change is real and is linked to human causes. Data is not being taken seriously. What I’m hopeful of is that there are people in the administration that can be persuaded,” said Paul Mohai, professor of natural resources and environment.

    Bloomberg BNA
  5. June 13, 2017

    “It’s not true that any and all conversations with the president are protected under executive privilege — not even if it’s limited to private conversations with the president. It depends on the content and the context,” said Samuel Gross, professor of law.

  6. June 13, 2017

    Research by Paul Glaum, doctoral student in ecology and evolutionary biology, found higher bumble bee populations in Detroit than in less-urbanized areas of Michigan, which may be due to the high amount of vacant land in the city.

    PBS NewsHour
  7. June 13, 2017

    Mark Barteau, director of the U-M Energy Institute and professor of chemical engineering and chemistry, says that companies that want to reach the goals laid out in the Paris agreement should be held accountable: “If they’re really committed to trying to meet the Paris numbers on their own, I think having independent validation that they’re doing that is going to be important— otherwise it’s just going to look like the usual corporate propaganda and greenwashing.”

    Fast Company
  8. June 6, 2017

    “Investment in research, especially biomedical research, is amongst the best investments we can possibly make. I’m puzzled how an administration that wants to grow American strength is thinking about underinvesting in an area where it is a global leader,” said President Mark Schlissel.

    Michigan Radio
  9. June 6, 2017

    “They have the power to change policy, but no corresponding check on that power. It does subvert the democratic process,” said Megan Tompkins-Stange, assistant professor of public policy, on philanthropic efforts by tech companies to remake public education.

    The New York Times
  10. June 6, 2017

    “I was very frustrated to listen to the litany of data that he presented. He was talking about jobs lost and shutting factories and industries devastated by 2040. And that’s really, really sketchy data,” said Andrew Hoffman, professor of management and organizations, and natural resources and environment, regarding President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

    Poets & Quants