In the News

  1. August 8, 2017

    Amy Thompson, clinical associate professor of pharmacy, was quoted in a story about many doctors’ lack of information regarding side effects of drugs.

    The Washington Post
  2. August 8, 2017

    Nicholas Bagley, professor of law, says President Trump’s threat to stop billions of dollars in government payments to insurers and force the collapse of Obamacare will undermine his leverage to compel Democrats to negotiate: “Trump thinks he’s holding all the cards. But Democrats know what’s in his hand, and he’s got a pair of twos.”

    The Associated Press
  3. August 1, 2017

    Andy Hoffman, professor of management and organizations, and environment and sustainability, says that in the age of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” scientific literacy should play a bigger role in political conversations: “Anytime that research leads to a conclusion that challenges the way people think or behave, it is by definition political. Face it. Deal with it.”

    Michigan Radio's Stateside
  4. August 1, 2017

    Research by Oliver Varban, assistant professor of surgery and director of bariatric surgery, suggests that weight-loss surgery would be more successful if done before patients become morbidly obese.

    CBS News
  5. August 1, 2017

    “He always has a narrative, he always has a story. And for a lot of people (the story they’re sticking to is that) Trump means we’re getting a badly needed reset from eight years of Obama,” says Nadine Hubbs, professor of women’s studies and music.

    Christian Science Monitor
  6. August 1, 2017

    “A wall-to-wall ban on transgender Americans in the armed forces could only be understood as rooted in what constitutional doctrine calls animus: that is, the bare dislike of a group of people. And as the Supreme Court has held in cases going back at least to the 1970s, animus is never a constitutionally valid reason for government action,” writes Richard Primus, professor of law.

  7. July 25, 2017

    “The president is considering pardoning himself as a way to avoid a Department of Justice investigation into his electoral campaign? This is theater of the absurd. The fact that we’re even talking about it is a measure of how far we’ve fallen under Trump,” said Samuel Gross, professor of law.

  8. July 25, 2017

    Research by Amanda Pendleton, research fellow in human genetics at the Medical School, and colleagues suggests that dogs were domesticated just once — sometime between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago — challenging a previous claim about how many times humans befriended canines.

    Scientific American
  9. July 25, 2017

    Comments by Barry Fishman, professor of education and information, and Mika LaVaque-Manty, associate professor of political science, philosophy and the Honors Program, are featured in an article about the use of educational video games in college classrooms.

    Inside Higher Ed
  10. July 25, 2017

    Mark Fendrick, professor of internal medicine, and health management and policy, and director of the Center for Value-Based Insurance Design, says it makes both medical and economic sense to make properly managing chronic conditions affordable: “I want the health insurance plan my patients have to charge my patients the least for the services that are going to make them healthier.”

    U.S. News & World Report