In the News

  1. September 11, 2017

    “Pretty much all of them have the argument that under the Convention Against Torture, their removal would subject them to a high risk of persecution and torture and, therefore, they can’t be removed,” said Margo Schlanger, professor of law, commenting on the reopening of deportation cases against Iraqi nationals in Detroit immigration court.

    The Detroit News
  2. September 10, 2017

    “It’s not of course playing the only role. There’s natural variability at work. (But) humans are contributing to an ever-increasing degree to wildfires in the West as they emit greenhouse gases and warm the planet and warm the West,” said Jonathan Overpeck, dean of the School for Environment and Sustainability.

    ABC News/The Associated Press
  3. September 10, 2017

    A study by Megan Patrick, research associate professor at the Institute for Social Research, shows that about 2 percent of American children ages 14-16 drank at least 10 drinks in a row in the last two weeks.

    China Daily/Xinhua
  4. September 10, 2017

    Comments by Richard Harris, associate professor of anesthesiology, were featured in a story about the hidden short-term effects of “placebo” acupuncture.

    The Guardian (U.K.)
  5. September 7, 2017

    “They’re going to want a gazillion dollars in benefits. It’s going to be a big price tag, and expectedly so, because who else can bring you tens of thousands of jobs — good jobs — and change the image of who you are?” said Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business, commenting on Amazon’s plan to establish a second headquarters in North America.

    Fox Business/Dow Jones Newswires
  6. September 7, 2017

    LSA Dean Andrew Martin, professor of statistics and of political science, discussed how a liberal arts degree can lead to both a great career and personal fulfillment.

    Michigan Radio's Stateside
  7. September 7, 2017

    “It has created the aura of confidence that Detroit is now going to come back in a major way, and this is what attracts other investors,” said Mark Rosentraub, professor of kinesiology and director of the U-M Center for Sport and Policy, referring to the new Little Caesars Arena and the surrounding 55-block development dubbed The District Detroit.

    CBC News/The Associated Press
  8. September 6, 2017

    “While we’re making decisions about immigration policy, we’re talking about constitutionality, the effects on the economy and demographics. But we also need to talk about the health consequences of immigration policy,” said Aresha Martinez-Cardoso, doctoral student in public health.

  9. September 6, 2017

    Aswin Punathambekar, associate professor of communication studies, was quoted in a story about the killing of an Indian journalist — the latest in a string of similar attacks in recent years targeting writers, artists and scholars who have faced a backlash for criticizing India’s ruling party.

    The Associated Press
  10. September 6, 2017

    “If (Trump) uses a tariff that raises the prices China sells to us, we will buy less, and China’s exports will fall, and that will hurt them. It’s painful for them, (but) is it more painful for them than our companies that will buy the imports?” said Alan Deardorff, professor of public policy and economics.

    The Detroit News