In the News

  1. November 29, 2023
    • Carolyn Yoon

    When one shops, there’s usually a standoff between the brain’s emotional and rational parts. “The human brain has essentially evolved to feel first and think next,” said Carolyn Yoon, professor of marketing. “The more you spend time thinking and bring your cognitive processes to bear … you have a shot at basically saying, ‘No, I think I’m going to pass,’ even though that wasn’t your first inclination.”

    National Public Radio
  2. November 21, 2023
    • Michal Lorenc

    “They could forget about some of the trauma … start to play and kick the ball around. … It was a big reinforcement that soccer is this great sport that really transcends borders and really has the power to unite,” said Michal Lorenc, clinical assistant professor of kinesiology, who helped fundraise for and distribute many essential supplies, including soccer balls, to Ukrainian refugee children and their families in Poland.

  3. November 21, 2023
    • Marianne Udow-Phillips

    When health systems merge, they often cut costs by slashing jobs, says Marianne Udow-Phillips, senior adviser at the Center for Health and Research. “The first things that they look at are things like back-office functions. … I would be surprised if they made any cuts on the clinical side because … that’s their bread and butter. That’s what’s bringing in the revenue.”

    Detroit Free Press
  4. November 21, 2023
    • John Meeker

    “The more you study something, the more complicated it seems to get, especially when it comes to biology and the human body. We’re slowly pointing out various chemicals or classes of chemicals we think could be harmful to something like reproductive health, but as far as a single smoking gun, I haven’t seen anything to that extent,” said John Meeker, professor of environmental health sciences.

    NBC News
  5. November 20, 2023
    • Scott Rick

    To curb overspending, Scott Rick, professor of marketing, recommends deleting credit card information from your online accounts so you can’t do one-click purchases: “If you don’t have your credit card info saved within your account, the prospect of getting up and finding your wallet can prompt you to second guess whether you need to make this purchase right now.”

    The Wall Street Journal
  6. November 20, 2023
    • Bill Bubniak

    Loosening zoning rules could help smooth the process of turning underutilized commercial space into much-needed housing, says Bill Bubniak, director of the Weiser Center of Real Estate: “If everybody bends a little bit and works together, we might not end up with the perfect buildings. But we’re going to help solve a crisis that’s existed forever.”

  7. November 20, 2023
    • Luciana de Souza Leão

    “The way that the cash transfer programs work in Mexico right now, they’re not reaching the extreme poor,” said Luciana de Souza Leão, assistant professor of sociology, on the elimination of Mexico’s universal health care and other anti-poverty programs.

    The Guardian (U.K.)
  8. November 17, 2023
    • Kyle Whyte

    “In many native communities, our infrastructure is not up to the task of protecting our populations from the massive climate impacts that threaten us,” said Kyle Whyte, professor of environment and sustainability and of philosophy, who wrote a chapter on Indigenous peoples and environmental justice for the newly released Fifth National Climate Assessment.

  9. November 17, 2023
    • Deborah Beim

    “There have been a lot of really sort of splashy, newsworthy ethics concerns coming out of the Supreme Court,” said Deborah Beim, assistant professor of political science. “I’m not sure that this … (new) code of conduct is meant to prevent those kinds of things from happening. It’s meant to communicate to the public (that) we are, in fact, ethical.”

    CBS News Detroit
  10. November 17, 2023
    • Jing Liu

    “By establishing efficient ‘research assembly lines,’ scientists can liberate their time to think creatively about new research questions that have so far been impossible, while AI handles the entire process of designing and executing experiments with unparalleled speed and precision,” said Jing Liu, executive director of the Michigan Institute for Data Science.
