In the News

  1. April 19, 2018

    “Even though the ACA has led to improvements, there is still a substantial (number) of individuals who don’t have health insurance. And even for people who are insured, deductibles have climbed dramatically in recent years,” said Jeffrey Kullgren, assistant professor of internal medicine.

  2. April 19, 2018

    Jim Sayer, director of the U-M Transportation Research Institute, was interviewed about the National Transportation Safety Board’s investigation of a recent fatal crash of a Tesla Model X in California.

    NBC News
  3. April 19, 2018

    Interviewed about the American Talent Initiative, which seeks to enroll 50,000 additional low- and moderate-income students at U.S. universities by 2025, President Mark Schlissel said, “There’s no data to suggest that if you happen to be born into a less well-to-do family you are somehow less intelligent. The challenge for us is to recruit them and make it financially viable for them.”

    National Public Radio
  4. April 18, 2018

    Barbara McQuade, professor from practice, Law School, was quoted in an article about how an associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin whose companies face charges in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of election interference could potentially expose intelligence gathered and practices by the investigation during the discovery phase.

  5. April 18, 2018

    “The consensus is that if we can keep noise below 70 decibels on average, that would eliminate hearing loss. But the problem is that if noise is more than 50 decibels, there’s an increased risk of heart attack and hypertension. Noise at 70 decibels is not safe,” said Rick Neitzel, associate professor of environmental health sciences and global public health.

  6. April 18, 2018

    “It’s a huge public health problem for women that doesn’t really get enough attention. This is one of the top killers of women in the country,” said Meilan Han, associate professor of internal medicine, on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the progressive lung disease that now kills more women in the United States than men.

    The Washington Post
  7. April 17, 2018

    “They can’t hire enough humans to monitor every post that goes up on Facebook. The big challenge, and the thing that we as a society should be concerned about, is that Facebook becomes the watcher over our morals,” said Florian Schaub, professor of information, and electrical engineering and computer science.

    Scientific American
  8. April 17, 2018

    Research by Michael Hall, doctoral student in psychology, and Kaitlin Raimi, assistant professor of public policy, shows that “know-it-all” people are especially prone to overestimating what they actually know — even after getting feedback showing them how much they don’t know.

    Tech Times
  9. April 17, 2018

    Gabriel Ehrlich, director of the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, discussed current NAFTA negotiations, President Trump’s impression of NAFTA, and the potential impacts a renegotiated or nonexistent NAFTA would have on Michigan’s economy.

    Michigan Radio
  10. April 16, 2018

    An experimental peanut-allergy vaccine developed by James Baker, founding director of the Mary H. Weiser Food Allergy Center and professor emeritus of internal medicine and of biomedical engineering, and research investigator Jessica O’Konek, proved effective in mice when they were exposed to peanuts two weeks after their final vaccine dose.

    U.S. News & World Report