In the News

  1. February 22, 2024
    • Tiffany Munzer

    A strong grounding in digital literacy and social-emotional skills will help students learn to use AI-powered tools responsibly, says Tiffany Munzer, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics: “The most important things we want our children to take from us right now are kindness, equity and critical thinking skills to challenge the information that they are seeing. It’s about imparting those key skills.”

  2. February 21, 2024
    • Jerry Davis

    “If someone calls you up and says, ‘Do you think unemployment’s gone up or down since Biden became president?’ It could be that you want to give a negative answer, not because you think that’s really the truth, but that in some sense, you’re just sort of trolling. If people aren’t answering polling questions sincerely, it’s really hard to know what to make of the polls,” said Jerry Davis, professor of management and organizations, and of sociology.

    KCBS Radio (San Francisco)
  3. February 21, 2024
    • Joshua Newell

    “Over half of the tweets we looked at simply denied that climate change was real, that it was a hoax. It wasn’t surprising but it was disappointing. I would hope that more and more Americans would believe in climate change and the importance of addressing it,” said Joshua Newell, professor of environment and sustainability, who found that nearly 15% of Americans don’t believe climate change is real.

    The Guardian (U.K.)
  4. February 21, 2024
    • Nadine Hubbs

    “The former president who dodged the draft, who has mocked Gold Star families, who just recently mocked Nikki Haley, asking where Major Michael Haley, her husband, was. The level of disconnect is staggering,” said Nadine Hubbs, professor of music and of women’s and gender studies, on the irony of Donald Trump’s use of late country singer Toby Keith’s pro-military tune “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue.”

    National Public Radio
  5. February 20, 2024

    “Having metal detectors at every access point to a building, having cameras throughout campus might reduce the amount of response time … but a lot of the work we’re trying to do talks about prevention strategies or other surveillance strategies that will identify someone before they make the decision to bring a weapon to campus,” said Justin Heinze, associate professor of health behavior and health education. 

    The Detroit News
  6. February 20, 2024
    • Barbara McQuade

    “When politicians have no commitment to truth, over time, voters become angry, then cynical and finally numb, to the point where they disengage from politics — just where the authoritarian wants them,” wrote Barbara McQuade, professor from practice of law.

    Detroit Free Press
  7. February 20, 2024
    • Photo of Jeremy Kress

    Jeremy Kress, assistant professor of business law, believes dual directorships create a conflict of interest: “When a bank’s directors also sit on the board of the bank’s holding company, the directors have an incentive to allow the holding company … to take advantage of the bank and thereby benefit from federal safety net subsidies.”

    Bloomberg Law
  8. February 19, 2024
    • Headshot of Erik Gordon

    “Biden’s messaging that the economy is doing well under him hasn’t convinced many people. Despite his repeated statements and despite government numbers that support him, he hasn’t moved the disapproval needle,” said Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business.

    Financial Times
  9. February 19, 2024
    • Kenneth Langa

    Despite the release of two new Alzheimer’s drugs since 2021, “dementia is going to be with us for the foreseeable future, even with these potential breakthroughs,” said Kenneth Langa, professor of internal medicine, and health management and policy. “It’s going to get harder and harder as the numbers go up. We need to figure this out.”

    National Geographic
  10. February 19, 2024
    • April Zeoli

    “They are to be used in times of crisis when someone is suicidal or when someone is actively at risk of harming someone else. They are not going to affect law-abiding firearm owners who are not in danger of harming themselves or others,” said April Zeoli, associate professor of public health and policy core director at the Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention, about Michigan’s new red flag law that allows judges to remove guns from someone believed to be dangerous.

    WWJ Radio