Faculty/Staff Spotlights

  1. March 14, 2022 Paul Draus, professor of sociology at UM-Dearborn who has engaged with communities crafting environmental and sustainable solutions in Detroit

    “I got interested in other things going on in Detroit related to urban farming and greenspace and how to creatively reimagine neighborhoods.”

    — Paul Draus, professor of sociology at UM-Dearborn who has engaged with communities crafting environmental and sustainable solutions in Detroit

    Read more about Paul Draus
  2. March 7, 2022 Devin Berghorst, senior case manager for student support services in the Dean of Students Office, has amassed a collection of between 400 and 500 Captain America comic books as well as other memorabilia

    “Reading the books is fascinating because the language is different, the content is so different, it almost feels like a time capsule of the era.”

    — Devin Berghorst, senior case manager for student support services in the Dean of Students Office who has amassed a collection of between 400 and 500 Captain America comic books as well as other memorabilia

    Read more about Devin Berghorst
  3. February 21, 2022 Jeff Zampi, a pediatric cardiologist at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital who helped save the life of a family friend who collapsed during a hockey game

    “If I didn’t start playing hockey, I wouldn’t have been there. If the whole reason I started playing hockey was for this one night, it’s worth it.”

    — Jeff Zampi, a pediatric cardiologist at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital who helped save the life of a family friend who collapsed during a hockey game

    Read more about Jeff Zampi
  4. February 14, 2022 Nancy Ambrose King, professor of oboe in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, who ran a marathon in Hawaii in January to complete a goal of running a marathon in all 50 states

    “I felt the goal of having a marathon coming up held me accountable to getting out there every day and running.”

    — Nancy Ambrose King, professor of oboe in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, has run marathons in all 50 states and the District of Columbia

    Read more about Nancy Ambrose King
  5. February 7, 2022 — Roland Graf, associate professor of art and design in the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design who built a table out of seven planks of wood that is now manufactured in Germany

    “All my creative instincts are to go for simplicity. I like to do more with less. It’s just a principle that I’m very obsessed with.”

    — Roland Graf, associate professor of art and design in the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design who built a table out of seven planks of wood that is now manufactured in Germany

    Read more about Roland Graf
  6. January 31, 2022 Debotri Dhar, lecturer II in women’s and gender studies in LSA who launched the Hummingbird Global Writers’ Circle in 2016

    “I’m tremendously grateful and humbled and frankly amazed at the fact that it’s worked as well as it has for so many meets.”

    — Debotri Dhar, lecturer II in women’s and gender studies in LSA who launched the Hummingbird Global Writers’ Circle in 2016

    Read more about Debotri Dhar
  7. January 24, 2022 — Ian Antonio, assistant professor of music in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance who has performed for more than two decades on four continents

    “I think of percussion as a comprehensive approach to music making rather than only acquiring specific skills for specific instruments. It’s approaching instruments, objects, and situations with a musical mindset.”

    — Ian Antonio, assistant professor of music in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance who has performed for more than two decades on four continents

    Read more about Ian Antonio
  8. January 17, 2022 Charli Brissey, assistant professor of dance in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, has worked at U-M since 2018 teaching film, composition and technique classes in the dance department

    “What I like about filmmaking, it’s a different kind of palette of options. I can sort of bend time and space in ways I can’t do with dance.”

    — Charli Brissey, assistant professor of dance in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, has worked at U-M since 2018 teaching film, composition and technique classes in the dance department

    Read more about Charli Brissey
  9. January 10, 2022 Anne Kadrovich, purchasing associate supervisor in Michigan Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry who spent 17 years managing a recording studio in Los Angeles

    “My most cherished time was playing live music. It was very cool. I hope to always have my toe in the musical waters.”

    — Anne Kadrovich, purchasing associate supervisor in Michigan Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry who spent 17 years managing a recording studio in Los Angeles

    Read more about Anne Kadrovich
  10. December 6, 2021 Dara Hill, associate professor of reading and language arts in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services at UM-Dearborn who made a documentary about her research

    “I’m very appreciative that we have internal grants that allow folks to use their creativity and do research-based work that’s a little nontraditional.”

    — Dara Hill, associate professor of reading and language arts in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services at UM-Dearborn who made a documentary about her research

    Read more about Dara Hill