The University Record, June 11, 1996
Workshops available to help cope with displacement, downsizing
The Medical Center Human Resources Department offers several group sessions on coping with stress and feelings related to job loss and insecurity.
SOS (Skills Over Stress) provides an opportunity to raise your awareness of how you react to stress and gain insight into the reasons you react that way. Coping strategies for managing stress will be discussed. Sessions are scheduled 2–4 p.m. today (June 11), 8:30 –10 a.m. Mon. (June 17), and 2–4 p.m. June 25. Registration is required. To register or for more information, call 647-1886.
Starting Your Own Business can evaluate your potential as an independent business owner. Through a combination of comprehensive lectures, case studies and participatory workshops, the session provides information relevant to the initial planning stages of entrepreneurship. Each program is a two-day commitment. Session I is scheduled 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Wed. (June 12) and June 19. Session II is available 8 a.m.–5 p.m. June 24 and July 9. To register (required) call the Office of Organizational Effectiveness, 647-1886 or send e-mail to J615.
Support Groups. Several factors influence how you respond to organizational change. These may include: your previous experience with downsizing, personal or professional losses that you have experienced, length of time in the organization or other support that is available to you. It is important to note that everyone responds differently. If you would like to talk about these changes and how they are affecting you, please drop in on one of the following sessions. No registration is necessary. Sessions are scheduled for 3:30–5 p.m. in Room B1C111 University Hospital and 7:30–9 a.m. June 26 in Room C106 Med Inn.