The Jean and Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Professorship in Reading and Literacy has been established at the School of Education.
The endowed chair, approved at the January Regents meeting, will “advance understanding about how reading and writing skills are developed in both children and adults,” said Dean Cecil Miskel. “It will permit the School to support a preeminent leader in reading and literacy education whose knowledge and experience will be a focal point for cutting-edge teaching, research and development activities. It also will provide the resources and visibility to help amplify current efforts and break new ground.”
Miskel continued: “Through the generosity of Jean and Charles R. Walgreen Jr., the University is the recipient of a pledge in the amount of $1.2 million for the establishment of the professorship.
“Mr. Walgreen, the retired chairman of the Walgreen Co., received a degree in pharmaceutical chemistry from the U-M in 1928. The Walgreens believe in the power of knowledge and have long devoted their time and resources to programs in higher education. This gift continues their long-standing commitment to the University’s College of Pharmacy, School of Music, and to athletic programs, with support for modern equipment and financial aid.”